the red means i love you (carterwood)

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prompt: the song titled above. idk man, dottie seems like the type of killer to fall in love and display it through her kills. set in modern times because i struggle writing about pre-21st century stories haha

warnings: knives, murder, blood, psychopathy, post-smut descriptions...

A/N: if you guys enjoy my carterwood stories, then you should read the two stories i've posted about them. they're both around 13-15 chapters and i wrote them because carterwood are literally the only mcu wlw ship that have ACTUALLY kissed each other *cries*

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The sun beating down on Los Angeles, mixed with the stench inside the apartment created a very uncomfortable crime scene for the agents of the SSR.

Peggy grimaced as she entered the bedroom, with best friend Daniel in tow.

An unmoving corpse lay half on the bed, half sprawled across the floor, with a heavy splatter of blood across the floor and wall. The bed was stained dark and rich, the expensive carpeting was ruined in particular.

And the tell-tale marking of the hourglass, stamped into the victim's cheek.

It had been branded into his skin, a message sent by the killer committing the string of murders.

The SSR had pinpointed all current victims as part of an underground criminal syndicate, arrested by police in a foiled bank robbery. All of its group's subordinates were coerced into testifying against the leader, Gregorio Mansioni, and it was clear someone was picking the members off one by one. Their biggest and most obvious suspect was Mansioni himself, however there wasn't enough evidence to prove it and they couldn't charge anyone with anything without any concrete proof.

So, they'd been trailing the string of murders in search of any clues or hints toward who was carrying out these crimes. But it was clear the killer was experienced; no fingerprints, no weapons, no shoe-prints.

Daniel coughed into his fist at the stench and looked over the scene for anything out of the ordinary, alongside Peggy.

"Nothing." He sighed. "I'm starting to question if our killer is even human at this point. How is he managing not to leave a single piece of evidence behind?"

"Let's not assume our murderer is a man. Mansioni is a practicing misogynist who's pissed off a few powerful women in his time. Maybe our killer isn't working for him at all, rather sending a warning that they're coming for him next."

"Fair point, but I've just got a hunch about these things." Daniel nodded.

They stalked around the room, past crime scene photographers, and Peggy knelt down beside the dresser. She saw the reflective glint of something and reached out to grab it, smiling to herself as she stood and held it up for the world to see.

"Sousa?" She chided. He turned away from the vanity and sighed at the sight.

Peggy jiggled the golden necklace and clicked her tongue.

"I suppose your hunch was wrong, after all."

"Sousa, Carter, CCTV footage just came back from last night. Take a look at what we found." Chief Thompson interrupted, open laptop in hand. They took their place at his side as the footage started up.

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