angel eyes part 1 (wandanat)

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prompt: natasha and wanda were lovers years ago, they reconcile after wanda is brought onto the team at natasha's law firm.

warnings: none... so far :)

. . . . . 

[March, 2011]

Wanda awoke to the warm, golden sunlight streaming into the room and onto her bare legs. She blinked a couple times in adjustment and sat up in bed, running a hand through sleep-knotted hair.

The bedroom was quiet and Natasha was nowhere to be found. Wanda pulled on a shirt too big for her, one of Natasha's favourites, and tiredly walked through to the kitchen. It smelled heavenly, filling her senses with the aroma of frying bacon and toasting bread. At the stove, Natasha hummed along to the radio as she flipped their breakfast in the pan.

Smiling, Wanda wrapped her arms around her waist and hugged Natasha from behind, resting her chin on her lover's shoulder.

"Good morning, beautiful." The redhead cooed in a soft tone.

"I missed you." Wanda replied in a sleepy voice. She reached down to kiss her neck oh-so gently and Natasha switched off the gas flame, turning in Wanda's arms.

"I've only been gone a couple minutes."

"That's two minutes too many."

This prompted a quiet chuckle from Natasha and she cupped Wanda's face in her hands, stroking her cheeks with the pads of her thumbs. She leaned forward and brought their lips together, bacon forgotten the second they made contact. Wanda melted into the kiss and absentmindedly trailed her hands around the small of Natasha's back, revelling in the hitch of breath it earned her.

"I love you, beautiful." Natasha sighed against her mouth, breath feather-light.

"I love you too." Wanda replied, ignoring the burst of glee in her chest and bringing their mouths back together.

[October, 2022]

Natasha walked through her NYC apartment, blinds automatically lifting as she passed by, and plucked a yellow post-it note that had been stuck on the refrigerator.

Had to leave early, takeout tonight? S. x

With an eye roll, she adjusted her robe and pressed the button on the coffee machine. It whirred and hissed as it brewed Natasha's drink, while she leaned against the counter and stared out of the window, down at the cityscape below.

She slogged through her daily routine and ended up arriving at work earlier than normal. It was such an odd occurrence that her best friend, Clint, picked up on it immediately.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He joked, gliding over to her desk on his rolly chair.

"Shut up." She said with an amused head shake. "I woke up early this morning, that's all."

"Right, of course."

"Romanoff, Barton." The voice of their boss suddenly alerted them and they stood up simultaneously. "I'd like you to join me in my office, I have something to discuss with the two of you."

"Of course."

"Right away, sir."

They trailed behind Fury like children about to be scolded, Clint leaning over to whisper to Natasha.

"What did we do this time?"

"My guess is as good as yours, birdbrain."

Fury took a seat at his desk and his two subordinates awaited the news in front of it, arms folded or at their sides.

blackhill + multiship oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora