oh no (blackhill)

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prompt: Maria gets dragged to a strip club by Sharon, she ends up having a better night than she thought she would...

warnings: very nsfw, stripping, pole dancing, disgusting men, natasha pouring tequila down Maria's throat...

. . . . .

"Sharon, can you please tell me where we're going?" Maria sighed.

She smirked whilst never taking her eyes off the road. "I can't, it's a surprise!"

"Can't you give me a hint, at least?"

"It's a building."

"Very funny, Carter." She rolled her eyes and nudged her shoulder.

"It's a building full of things I think you're gonna love, they're very pleasing to the eye."

Maria thought about it for a moment and tried to think of places near the intersection they were currently driving on. Then, it clicked.

"You're taking me to a strip club, aren't you?"

Sharon's jaw went slack and she momentarily stole a glance at Maria. "What the fuck? How did you know?"

"Well, your current route takes us to a single building all on its own, with a neon sign that blares GIRLS at the road, and I don't think you're taking me to the desert to kill me tonight. Tumbleweeds aren't very pleasing to the eye."

"Maybe I'm taking you for a nice desert stroll at 9:37PM!" She shrugged, before slowly pulling into the aforementioned building's parking lot. "Okay fine, I'm taking you to a strip club!"

"And why on Earth would you take me here of all places? We're SHIELD agents; strip clubs are known for being the shadiest places on the planet."

"Because! You've been so stressed out recently and you're taking it out on the rookie agents, Thompson still has a black eye from you using an ACTUAL chair to hit him with while sparring."

Maria snickered to herself at the memory, before clearing her throat.

"This is a terrible idea."

"Oh shut up, Hardass. Come on, it'll be fun!"

Sharon practically dragged Maria out of the car and into the building. It was extremely dim in the entrance, and Sharon pulled back a curtain to reveal a brighter room. There was a stage in the centre, with a pole right in the middle that was currently occupied by a half-nude blonde. Sharon led Maria over to a set of sofas near the stage and placed her bag on the table before standing up.

"I'm getting us drinks, what's your poison?"

"Whiskey, neat."

She nodded and headed down a small flight of stairs to the bar. Maria leaned back into the surprisingly comfortable sofa and turned to watch the stage. The last girl had strutted off backstage and the DJ was announcing another when Sharon returned with their drinks.

As Maria took a sip, grimacing at its cheap taste, the curtains ripped open and Sharon gasped.

"Oh shit, we made it in time for Black Widow?"

"I thought you'd never been here before."

"I never said that. Trust me, I've been dragged along by Phil and Melinda a number of times." Sharon nodded before gesturing over to the stage, drink in hand. "She only comes on once a day, and never at a set time, it's completely random. We're very lucky, Hill."

The dancer stepped up to the pole and flicked her fiery, red hair back, grinding her body against it. She was only wearing a matching pair of black lace underwear. Her moves were so fluid and free on the stage, prompting everyone in the room to turn their attention to the stage.

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