kiss me (what?!) part 2 (blackhill)

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Natasha Romanoff was something else, and Maria had realised it on her first mission alongside her.

When she'd seen Raymond send two guards after her, Maria was quick to swoop in and warn her. In the reflection of window pane, she'd realised they weren't backing down and quickly grabbed Natasha's hand to lead them down a hallway to the restrooms. After those guards still wouldn't let up, she'd internally sighed before realising it was the best plan of action.

She grabbed ahold of Natasha's waist with one hand and cupped her face with the other, pushing her up against an impressionist painting and kissing her slowly.

It reminded her of her first kiss. Back in Chicago, with an old boyfriend. They were teenagers at the time, and he'd surprised her at a party in the exact same way she'd just surprised Natasha. Maria was completely inexperienced at the time, frozen on the spot when he pulled away. That was definitely one of the early signs she was gay. The next sign was when his twin sister had brushed a hair out of her face while applying her eyeliner. Maria had felt a buzzing, almost vibrational ring in the spot where her fingers had come in contact with her face. It was years after the fact when Maria actually realised she was gay; surprised by another one of her fellow female soldiers kissing her in a bar after work that day. She'd finally felt what had been missing all those teenage years of dating boys: attraction.

Natasha had turned her head to look for the guards, giving Maria easier access to press her lips against her panting neck. She pulled back to check for the guards as well and was pleasantly surprised when Natasha's hands dragged her face back down and connected their lips in a faster kiss, moaning when her tongue was thrown into the mix. Maria admired how Natasha was leaning up, due to their significant height difference, and she was probably going to push up her dress and fuck her into a state of delirium in the next ten seconds, had they not been interrupted.

"Can you guys not have sex right now? I need help bringing this guy in."

The night had ended pretty quick and easy afterward; incapacitating the guards, Clint taking Raymond down with a taser-equipped arrow, and dumping his unconscious body in the trunk of Carter and Coulson's company SUV.

Natasha had been uncharacteristically silent the ride home, simply smiling in response to Clint's remarks. As Sharon and Phil bickered about characters from a TV show (Rachel and Joey?), Maria made a mental note of Natasha's eyes flickering over to her and then back to the floor. She didn't mention it though, instead kept quiet for the ride as well and got out of the car and headed straight into HQ.

After an hour of getting Raymond into a cell and using scare tactics to get him to talk, Maria stalked through the hallways to the agent's sleeping quarters. She changed out of the suit (which she'd definitely be keeping for later use) and into SHIELD grade pyjamas, about to open her laptop and sort through Raymond's paperwork, when there was a knock on the door.

Unsurprisingly, it was Natasha's head that peaked around the door.

"What's up, Romanoff?" Maria asked, opening the laptop anyways.

"I..." She paused for a long moment and stepped inside, prompting Maria to look up from her computer. "Why did you kiss me?"

"So Raymond's guards would leave." Maria answered, before standing up to face her, acutely reminded of their height difference once again as she looked down at Natasha. "I've got a question for you, Romanoff. Why did you kiss me again after they'd left?"

Natasha's mouth opened slightly to search for a response, but she was silent, staring up into Maria's eyes. She truly and honestly had no answer. It had been an impulse she'd given into at the time.

"What? You thought I wouldn't remember that?"

The redhead was stunned into silence again, squirming underneath Maria's intense gaze. She closed her mouth and chewed on her bottom lip, considering if what she'd been dreaming of doing an hour ago was the right decision.

She decided it definitely was.

Natasha surged forward and pressed their lips together, eyes fluttering shut.

One of Natasha's hands came up to Maria's face, holding her as close as possible while Maria melted into her body. The brunette surprised Natasha when she grabbed ahold of her thighs and brought her down onto the bed, settling between her legs. The atmosphere changed from innocent kissing once Natasha's hands brushed up her sides and around to her stomach.

She splayed her fingers across Maria's stomach, causing her to laugh and break the kiss.

"Are you feeling me up, Romanoff?"

"So what if I am?" Natasha smirked, kissing her again and speaking through pecks. "These abs are fucking spectacular."

Maria couldn't help but chuckle and Natasha groaned when she pulled off her shirt, revealing the aforementioned stomach. Natasha moved her hands up them, nails lightly scratching up the expanse of flesh, and moved back to pull off her own shirt.

The brunette moved down to the soft skin of where her solar plexus lay and paused, looking up at Natasha with soft eyes.

"Are you sure you want this?" Her voice was breathy and low.

Natasha ran her fingers up Maria's face and into her hair, tugging lightly as she breathed heavily. "I want you so bad. Please, любовь."


"Fuck, oh god." Natasha cried out, hands tangled in Maria's hair between her thighs. Her back arched and her body went rigid as her climax washed over her, sending waves of pleasure through all her limbs. Maria drew it out as long as possible, lapping at her arousal like she had been starved of it for years, until Natasha became overstimulated and pulled her head away with a whine. "I-I can't... no-no more."

Maria left a kiss on her pulsating clit, earning her the smallest of whimpers, and crawled back up Natasha's body to come face to face with her.

"Can't say I was expecting that to happen, Agent Romanoff." She spoke, kissing her lips and trailing a hand up Natasha's stomach to fit under her bra, cupping the smooth skin in her hand. "Who knew the Black Widow was so loud in bed?"

"Shut up." Natasha laughed, pulling her back in by the nape of her neck for a kiss.

Maria was admittedly surprised when Natasha overpowered her all of a sudden and flipped their positions, straddling her waist and pulling away from the kiss when Maria's hands tried to flip them once again.

"Gotta try harder than that." She smirked, leaning down and sucking at Maria's neck vigorously.

"This was the reason." Maria whispered, holding back a moan. Natasha moved away to look into her eyes, confused.

"What? What are you-"

"I know you snooped around my files, and I know you found out I was dishonourably discharged from the marine corps two years ago." Maria sighed, cupping her cheek and brushing a thumb over it gently. "This was the reason. I'd been sleeping with another soldier for a while, then she got herself a boyfriend and reported me to our superior officer for harassment. She did it because she didn't want to accept that she was gay or at least sapphic in some way, that was pretty clear from the sudden relationship change, and decided it would be fine to pin it all on me. The sarge told me to clear out my stuff two days later."

Natasha was silent, leaning into her touch with an ache of sadness for Maria. She couldn't imagine being kicked out of somewhere for her identity; God knows SHIELD didn't give a fuck about anyone's personal lives.

"So now you know. And it pleases me to say that she tried to sleep with me again afterward, drunk in a bar, and was subsequently found out by her boyfriend."

Natasha laughed along with her, mentally bookmarking Maria's wide, beautiful smile as she laughed. "Really? Then why didn't you appeal the discharge or something, after that incident?"

"There was no use. All my other comrades and superior officers knew about the whole fiasco, I knew they'd look at me differently." She paused to raise her other hand and cup her face wholly. "Plus, getting to work for SHIELD means that I got to meet you."

The redhead's heart thumped in her chest as she called her a sap and they laughed together again, sitting in Maria's bed.

This would be the subject of Clint and Natasha's conversation the next day.

Said conversation ended with sugary cereal spat out across the floor by a shocked Clint and an amused, sex-tangled haired Natasha laughing at him.

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