comfort (carterwood)

647 27 15

prompt: dottie finds a way to grow out of her habit of handcuffing her hand to the bed every night. (for story reasons, dottie defects from leviathan and the red room pre-season 1, like natasha did). i've also come up with a soviet birth name for dottie, because there's absolutely no way that a russian's real name is 'dorothy underwood' 😭😭

warnings: none, this is just angst and comfort <3

. . . . .

It'd been around six months since Dottie's defection over from Leviathan to the SSR. Granted, the transition wasn't as smooth as it should've gone, and Agent Thompson still didn't enjoy being left alone with her. But at least Peggy, Daniel, and the rest of the agency were finally at ease with Dottie. She'd proven herself as a trustworthy and skilled asset with time, and she intended to uphold those standards.

That was when Chief Dooley decided to send them all out on their first undercover mission as a group.

"Alright. Who is this guy?" Jack asked, standing at the head of the table beside the chalkboard.

Peggy reached into the box and flicked through a heady file. Daniel sat in the chair next to her, reading it along with Peggy, and Dottie was leaning back on the table opposite them, awaiting the information to be read out.

"Spider Raymond. Owner of the nightclub La Martinique. He's suspected to be a fence for the illegal dealing of one of Howard Stark's stolen inventions." Peggy read aloud.

"What's the invention?" Jack asked over his shoulder, not looking away as he chalked it down.

"Uh... something called Nitramene." She replied, pointing toward an archival photograph. It showed a grenade-like device smoking at the rim and hosting a bright, orange liquid inside.

Dottie rounded the table to take a look and clicked her tongue in amazement at the photo.

"It's a highly dangerous chemical compound." Peggy continued. "Now, theoretically, it could result in a concussive blast followed by a vacuum implosion. Supposedly, it has its roots in Stark's work with vita radiation. The implosion has a blast radius of... 500 feet. Wonderful."

"Sounds like a fun time." Daniel quipped sarcastically. "So, where exactly are we finding this Raymond guy?"

"We'll be going directly into his club. The SSR believes he's holding the Nitramene somewhere inside the building, most likely in his office."

"Okay." Jack nodded. He turned on his heels and gestured between everyone in the room. "So who's going into the office?"

"That would be me and Dottie." Peggy said, to which Dottie's brow raised in surprise and Jack's brow furrowed in confusion.

"What? Why the two of you?"

"Our perp is a bigger playboy than the prodigal Stark himself; having two women slip into his office in low-cut dresses is better than two men in suits."

Jack nodded in understanding and turned back to the chalkboard, noting more information down.

"Once we get our hands on the Stark tech, what are we supposed to do with it? Detonate it? Smash it?" Daniel asked.

"Uh, hold on, Howard left some notes..." Peggy flicked through the file before coming across a scrawled piece of paper. "Avoid touching the core to the containment ring. Touching the core will result in-"

"Death?" Dottie interjected, a cocky smile on her face.

"I was going to say 'core overload', but yes." Peggy retorted, rolling her eyes and hiding a smile. "It says we must render the device inert with a solution of sodium, hydrogen carbonate and acetate."

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