Chapter 8

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Acre, Templar citadel, 1256

The clash of swords resounds in the citadel while waves break on the mighty stone walls. The buildings built by the Franks would last for several centuries, defying the Mohammedan rulers and signifying a fierce determination to hold on to this land where Christ was born.

Aurel returned from Safed, not to forgive a possible disgrace, but because the situation in Acre was worrying. Even if he isn't fooled that the famous cousin is undoubtedly a lover, Renaut of Vichiers, the Templar Great Master, can't do without any soldier. The young recruits trained by Aurel replaced those who fell during the Egyptian disaster, but it will take many battles to prove themselves brave and efficient.

Civil war rages in the Italian districts and might engulf the entire city. Moreover, Genoa and Pisa, long-time enemies, are now allied. They try to oust the Venetians, who already dominate the Adriatic and Constantinople without sharing. The conflict started on a hill located on the border of the Venetian and Genoese districts, at the top of which was a house belonging to an abbot controlling access to the sea for both Venetians and Genoese. The latter had the pope intervene to obtain the sale or rent of this famous house.

These transactions triggered the fury of the Venetians, who feared a severe violation of their rights, and only the presence of King Louis seemed to calm the quarrels for a while. But, alas, the war started again with renewed vigor once the last royal ships returned to France. Strong of its alliance with Pisa, Genoa surpassed Venice. But from 1254 onwards, the ancestral hatred between the old enemies was reawakened, and the coalition was no more than a memory.

The military orders want to calm tensions between the cities. But Aurel fears this wise attitude won't last. The death of King Henry of Cyprus formed rival factions around his widow. So Queen Plaisance must officially assume the regency of the Jerusalem kingdom for her son, the young Hugh of Cyprus. However, it's an honorary title intended to limit the claims of the Hohenstaufen, who hold the rights over the kingdom.

Aurel deplores this agitation because Ada is expecting a child.

Moreover, all isn't well between the two lovers.

The young woman is distant and moody, sometimes sad, sometimes joyful. The Templar blames it on the pregnancy and, of course, on a painful infirmity that seems to be lasting.

But when he makes her smile, these rare moments turn out to be the most beautiful, a sign of a possible better future.

Lost in his thoughts, Aurel suddenly calls to order two recruits who have almost been injured.

"For heaven's sake! Be careful!"

"Sorry, brother Aurel! We put our whole heart into the battle."

The Templar looks up at the sky without finding comfort. At that moment, a tall figure partially obscures the burning sunlight, forcing him to squint to get a better look at the newcomer.

"Hello, Aurel!" Reyn greets briefly.

Aurel gulps with difficulty, hiding as best he can the panic seizing him.

"What are you doing in Acre?" he mumbles.

"The king ordered me to come and reinforce the troops commanded by Geoffroy of Sargines," his cousin says carelessly. "So here I am! And since Ada's disappearance, nothing connected me to France anymore."

The recruits made a series of awkward gestures, allowing Aurel to cut the conversation short. "Sorry! I don't have time to talk."

Surprised by this icy welcome, Reyn nods silently. He moves away after a few moments, suspecting that Aurel is most certainly blaming him for Ada's death.

An obvious fact since the young knight never stops condemning himself from morning to night.


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