Chapter 19

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Egypt, Cairo, sultan's palace on Roda Island, 1250

Altan points to an imposing citadel on a rocky outcrop overlooking Cairo.

"Saladin the great built it to house his dynasty, but our beloved sultan preferred to live on an island in the Nile. So he had a magnificent palace there, which will now be your home."

What would I gain by answering him?

When we pass the ramparts of this new prison, we get off our horses. He undoes my bonds, and we cross a vast open-air place.

"The slaves and wives of the emirs reside in a secondary part of the harem where the sultan never comes," my jailer explains. "You will see that high walls surround the inner courtyards. Moreover, eunuchs are vigilant."

I have the courage of a scathing reply, "What efforts deployed to get the company of hardly willing women!"

"But a slave may have the wish to satisfy her master," he answers with a surprise that doesn't seem to be fake.

He opens a door that is indeed well guarded, and we enter a vast room. Pink marble covers the floor, and murals reproduce geometrical forms or beautiful flowers. Altan's eyes stare at me while I look around.

He hesitates, then finally walks toward me with a determined step.

"As emirs, my brother and I are obliged to attend a big party in Cairo. It will probably continue late into the night. I'll join you as soon as possible," he murmurs, pulling me against him.

I defend myself as best I can, but I'm quickly exhausted. My mantle falls on the ground during an unequal fight. I feel his glance staring at me, staring at my body curves suddenly exposed. Then, victorious, he presses me against him, his face very close to mine.

"My breath is taken away when I contemplate your beauty," he confesses with a passionate voice. "Don't resist me! I will make you a queen. But, first, you will forget this husband, who is probably dead. And soon, you will moan with pleasure in my arms!"

I'm trying hard to free myself from his arms. Fortunately, he doesn't insist, confident that he will get his way without much difficulty. I'm a desperate woman, cruelly deprived of the one I love and not knowing if he's alive.

Easy prey for a glorious Mohammedan emir!

But where does glory hide?

A frail woman stands out against the pinkish color of the walls, and I recognize her at once.

"Badiya! Are you a captive too?"

"Of course not!" she retorts. "Muslims don't enslave those of their religion. Moreover, as a servant in this palace, my condition isn't unpleasant, and I'm fed and housed."

I grabbed her by the arm, hoping for news.

"Do you know of a place where they're holding the Franks? Is it here in Cairo?"

"I can't tell you anything!" she sighs. "I only go out to the market. I like your husband very much, and I pray he's alive. It seems the sultan is negotiating with Damietta to obtain a colossal ransom. The Franks undoubtedly have a lot of wealth. Egypt is poor by comparison."

Tears flood my eyes. "This cursed Turk doesn't ask for a single bag of gold! It's me who interests him, alas."

"And it's a chance for you! Someone else would have raped you and sold you to brothel owners. You're worth a lot of money because of your fair skin and hair. I can swear Altan and his brother aren't cruel masters. Their slaves are mostly fulfilled," she says with a hint of greed.

While talking, she leads me to some room. She tells me her child is born. She gave him to priests without regret, and this part of her life is now over.

Then she goes away, so I fall asleep in a bed covered with several lightweight blankets. It will surely be the one where the Turk will make me an enslaved princess overwhelmed by grief.

And my heart is so heavy, waiting for my dark fate.

In the middle of the night, Badiya suddenly wakes me up.

She's in panic. "You have to come! Assia isn't well!"

Indeed, a very young woman is writhing in pain among some precious fabrics in bright shades. She's sixteen years old at the most. Nevertheless, her rounded belly leaves no doubt about her condition and the travails which result from it.

Badiya explains the patient is a Khwarezmian leader's daughter. They're mercenaries who contributed to the capture of Jerusalem. Assia was initially intended to marry the old sultan, but she was finally offered to one of his mameluke emirs, a certain Baibars.

So it's this brat who is supposed to teach me good manners in a damn Mohammedan harem, according to my jailer and his horrible brother. She's lovely, with a thin face and beautiful green eyes, but her condition is serious.

Altan and Baibars have both abandoned the festivities to be at the young woman's side. The giant's worried face shows how concerned he's about the situation. One of the harem's occupants is chanting prayers. Alas, the unfortunate Assia is suffering a lot. Maybe the child is badly positioned.

"A midwife won't be enough!" I recommend. "Why don't you call the Sultan's physician?"

But I don't understand why the giant immediately gives me an exasperated look.

"The old sultan died before resolving Assia's situation for Baibars's benefit," Badiya answers, slightly embarrassed. "Officially, she still belongs to his harem, and she's pregnant. So the physician risks his head if he contributes to the birth."

Well, the new sultan knows nothing about the deal between his deceased father and Baibars, but Badiya remains optimistic.

"You're an excellent physician! I have seen you give birth to many children in the Christian camp. Assia is in good hands, and you will help her!"

It's a tricky situation!

What will happen to my husband and me if delivery goes wrong?

So before I make any decisions, I need to examine the patient closely.

"It's a breech birth," I quickly conclude. "And from the mother's age, I'm guessing it's her first. That's not going to make it easier, alas."

It may be the right time to get what I want.

"I can be helpful," I promise. "But another physician must assist me. His name is Johannes Pitard, and I think I saw him among the prisoners."

And the most important:

"I demand freedom for this man, for myself, for my husband and his cousin," I say, taking a long breath. "I'm sure they're alive!"

The giant leaves Assia for a moment to stand in front of me. His icy eyes are filled with cruelty and irony.

"So, you're married! My brother forgot this detail!"

"He's probably dead," Altan suggests, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'd love to know the body's name," Baibars retorts with a ferocious smile.

Frightened, poor Badiya bites her lip.

She and I are as white as snow at Christmas.


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