Chapter 12

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A few weeks later, the queen gives birth to a baby boy. Renaud of Vichier, Grand Master of the Temple, has the honor of being his godfather. A feast is organized at Pilgrim Castle. It's a Templar fortress about ten leagues from Acre and a little less from Caesarea. This vast stronghold is erected on a rocky outcrop, surrounded by water on three sides. To the east, the fortress is attached to the land. A deep moat was dug, and a double wall with towers was built to protect the access.

Queen Margaret and her children enjoy this solid keep overlooking the rich plains of Ramla and Jaffa. They feel much safer there than in Caesarea.

My appearances at the French court are rare. Neither Reyn nor I appreciate the festivities so loved by the nobility. But, alas, we can hardly escape this time. Hugh of Roquefort accompanies us. And on this day, I wear a white and gold gown, with a fine belt of Cordovan leather and sapphires.

It's a beautiful gift from Reyn!

He acquired it from a merchant in Acre, and I remember what he told me:

"These sapphires have wonderful colors, velvety and deep, for they come from land once inhabited by giants who were very cheeky. They stole a piece of the sky of a nice hue that pleased them."

"Shameless, these giants! That's for sure!" I replied, laughing.

"Yes," he agreed, "so the gods got angry and turned the impudent giants into very high mountains, but they forgot to take back their piece of the sky!"

"Avenging gods! It reminds me of the legend about your lineage! And where are these famous mountains?"

"On a very distant land, offering since marvelous sapphires," he finished, kissing me.


The queen's troubadours sing haunting ritornellos, sweet and sad. I see many men with bold glances and turn away the eyes to admire my husband, dark and wild. Some enamored damsels also contemplate him, hardly daring to believe that a valiant knight could be so perfect.

But I'm bored to death!

Hugh of Roquefort met a beautiful young woman, widow of an unfortunate lord killed during a skirmish with Mohammedan brigands, and my charming cousin quickly slipped away with the lady.

She's undoubtedly decided to draw a line under the past.

After a long moment, Hugh returns with the pace of a tiger satiated with fresh flesh.

It was the signal Reyn had been waiting for to take leave of the king politely. I carefully avoid Margaret and make a deep bow to Louis.

Alas, since his captivity, our sovereign remains pale, thinned.

Then we gallop along the coastal road leading to Acre, riding on beautiful Arabian horses. And we don't have to fear bandits because the king's knights have secured all roads.

And several bands of Mohammedan robbers in ambush, who thought they would find their fortune, met their brutal end.

Hugh then gets ahead of us.

"I'll be back at dawn," he says before spurring his horse.

"He's off to see the maid of St. John's knights!" Reyn laughs.

"For heaven's sake! This cousin is like a sailor, a woman in every port!"

We enjoy ourselves with my joke before stopping on the beach in the Levant. We have become accustomed to bathing happily, to embracing feverishly.

Secretly, I have hopes for another child.

"It wasn't too hard to leave the party," Reyn murmurs, kissing me tenderly. "You hate the court."

"The queen is a mother again. She's so lucky!"

Unfortunately, I can't hide my sadness.

"But I'm much younger than she is."

"Your body has been through a lot," Reyn says, "and it will take time to recover."

I pull away from him, suddenly worried.

"What if I'm a demon, a djinn as Baibars thought ... or something else?"

He kisses me again.

"Don't forget that it's me, the horrible and infernal creature!"

Under the brightness of the moon, he smiles with all his teeth and seems to have a little fun with me.

"You have to be patient," he whispers, becoming serious.

Reyn is sometimes very attached to what he can see, understand, touch.

But since our first embrace, when my body was nestled against his, I knew he belonged to an ancient and untamable race.

And what about me? Of what vile demons I'm the heiress?


Reyn and Hugh were forced to follow the king to Caesarea. Before leaving, they set up a pigeon house on the top floor of our house, just under the roof. I have great pleasure from raising these birds, although they need a lot of care and attention. Reyn and Hugh took two of the pigeons with them. So I will receive news and give some in return.

The army left Acre through the St. Anthony gate.

Many knights have answered Louis's call. They come from the north of the Occident or Constantinople.

It's an enchantment to see the king happy despite the weakness of his health. He gradually regains the magnificence of a powerful sovereign at the head of his bannermen, with flaming shields and long gleaming swords.

I watched them until they blended with the line of the horizon.

I also looked at the Templars passing by and among them Aurel. Then, for a brief moment, I met his eyes, as blue as the lake of Tiberias.

Perhaps he had a phantom smile, a promise of a possible reconciliation, or a final farewell.


Pilgrim Castle today (Israel)

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Pilgrim Castle today (Israel)

Caesarea, Ramla, Jaffa are Israeli towns today.

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