Chapter 8

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His beautiful amber eyes are dark and cold like a stormy sky.

How can I coax him?

A wonderful, tender smile, perhaps?

Alas, no miracle!

"All is settled," he explains firmly. "A convoy of Templar ships will leave for France in four days. Two of the warrior monks belong to the Buxières commandery, and they will escort you to Chasseney."


The fall from the top of a tall wall and Reyn's intense anger!

All this is so far away.

At least I thought so.

"Queen Margaret and all her court ladies will remain holed up in Damietta, despite the army's departure. So I don't see why it shouldn't be the same for me," I protest.

"The queen didn't let a Mohammedan who planned to make you his loot run away," he replies, annoyed.

"It was only a young ruffian who told a lot of nonsense," I protest, once again.

"I didn't want to frighten you by announcing terrible news," he suddenly mumbles.

Then he frowns, breathes a long sigh.

"Congast isn't dead," he confesses. "A certain Johannes Pitard, the assistant to the king's physician, treated his wound successfully. However, the bastard isn't in any shape to fight yet. So Aurel nor I can challenge him to a duel and fix him for good, but he might come after you when I'm on my way to Cairo. This situation is too dangerous for you."

He puts his arms around me to keep me from wavering pitifully.

"You will be safe in our land, under my father's protection," he promises.

We stay together, silent.

When he has to leave for Damietta's ramparts and towers, we have the world's greatest kiss.

That can't be a farewell


I refuse such an unfortunate fate.

Damietta is now forbidden to me, just like the hospital in the Nile camp. But there's a solution and Charles of Anjou, Prince of France, holds the keys.

I immediately get ready. My sky-colored dress, embroidered on the sleeves and neckline, some ribbons in my hair, will be of the most beautiful effect.

Last night, Azalia delivered a message. Charles of Anjou responded positively to my request for a meeting in the morning. As his physician, I wish to propose he uses Antonius's remedy.

On the outskirts of the palace, I hasten my steps and pray not to run into my husband. Reyn has no idea of my secret plans.

Although he recovered from his fever, the king's brother still seems tired. His admiring glance is on me when I enter his apartments.

"My dear physician comes to news of an unhappy prince," he claims.

After a curtsy, I point to my large shoulder bag with an air of mystery.

"Your Highness, I have here remedy distant China's inhabitants would use. Before my eyes, the Coptic physician gave it to many patients suffering from the same illness as you. For more than a month, I have observed almost miraculous effects without the slightest harm."

He's interested, handles with curiosity stems with an air of ferns I have just shown him.

"My brother Alphonse and his army finally landed at Damietta. Departure to Cairo is thus imminent," he announces. "This remedy could perhaps save me from new fever attacks! How should I take it, my dear?"


It's time for me to explain my plan.

"Leaves are consumed as an infusion, Your Highness," I reply. "Maybe I could embark on one of the ships in the rear guard. They're in charge of supplying our soldiers but could be helpful to gather any wounded away from fighting. Moreover, I could take care of your health."

"It's planned that Dudon, the king's physician, will board these ships with his young assistant. But I can also bring my physician," he says enthusiastically.

My goodness, my prayers have been answered!

There's one last point to be settled, and it's an important one.

"It's better my husband is unaware of our arrangement and remains convinced I obeyed your order by following the army to Cairo," I explain in a halting voice.

He grabs my hands and smiles before nodding.

"I would be as quiet as a church mouse! Moreover, your husband and his cousin aren't under the command of the Champagne seneschal anymore. Given their value, I expressly wished they join my knights."

"It's a great honor, Your Highness," I say, releasing my hands.

But I'm not excited about this news. Reyn and Aurel are Champenois, and they will have to fight alongside strangers from Provence and Anjou. Lost in my thoughts, I walk through vast palace corridors and bump into a couple. It's Robert of Artois, with Mahaut, his wife. She's a beautiful woman who looks haughty.

I immediately apologize.

"Forgive my distraction, Your Highnesses."

The count bursts into a booming laugh and introduces me to his other half.

"Here is the charming physician of my brother!"

Mahaut gives me a quick, indifferent glance. Then, slowly, they both disappear into the sumptuous Mohammedan palace where the king and his family have taken up residence, where oriental luxuriance challenges the Frankish court's austerity daily.

Arm in arm with her husband, Mahaut seems confident and serene, enjoying her last moments with the most undisciplined of the king's brothers. Courageous and a great fighter, Count of Artois is Louis's favorite.

I didn't know anything yet. But I will see this prince's noble face again in horrible circumstances.

They would deeply affect me with a poisoned seal, one of the atrocities nobody will forget in his life.


Anjou is a historical and cultural French region

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Anjou is a historical and cultural French region.

Artois was a former province. 

Now it's a traditional French area.

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