Ch. 19

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Lana called late in the evening as I attempted to watch a movie. My nights had been spent alone with very little food and copious libation. I was watching a modern-day film on mute when the phone rang. Focus had eluded me from the moment I'd met her. "Ms. Coto," I answered, a little inebriated from my third bourbon.

"Hi," she said softly.

I smiled at the sound of her voice. "What can I do for you?"

"I don't think I can do this."

My stomach clenched. "Do what?" I shifted the phone to my dominant hand.

"The plan."

My shoulders sagged into the cushions of the couch. I pinched the bridge of my nose and rubbed my eyes. "Why?"

"It's too much."

I bit my cheek. "As you said, it will only be one time."

"But you'll expect more," she deduced.

"I expect us to enjoy ourselves," I said evenly. "If you can only handle me once, then so be it."

"Handle?" She growled. "That right there is why I want and don't want to do this." She spoke through gritted teeth. I imagined her standing next to her motorcycle, pointing at nothing. "You're so—"

Strobes of light from an action sequence blinded me and I closed my eyes. "Smug?" I said flatly.

"Yes," she hissed. I pictured her kicking the tire of her motorcycle out of frustration.

Over my lounge pants, I rubbed my hardening cock. "Where are you?"

"In my room," she said breathily.

I perked up, leaning forward with excitement for what I wanted to do with her. "Do you live alone?"

"No. I have roommates."

Jealousy seized my heart, making it skip several beats. "Kenni?"

"And another girl."

"Do you share a bedroom?" I held my breath, praying she didn't.


A wide grin spread across my mouth. I leaned back once again. With my hand firmly over my cock, I asked, "Is your door closed?"


"Answer," I growled.

I heard her breath hitch. "It is," she said softly.

My eyebrow lifted at the timidity in her voice. "Locked?"

A rustling noise, as if she shifted the phone to her other ear, created static on the line. "No."

With a squeeze of my manhood, I groaned. "Go lock it."

She hesitated. Through the receiver, her breath hissed softly. "Why?" The quiver in her voice excited me.

"Because I told you too."

A sigh on her end halted my own breath. Then, "Okay." After several seconds, only her breathing alerted me that she had returned.

Through an uncontainable grin, I asked, "What are you wearing?" I stared at the TV screen, envisioning Lana in her room.

A disbelieving laughter crackled the line. "Really? Is this the Eighties?"

"Tell me," I growled.

The springs of a bed creaked in the background. I stopped rubbing myself, waiting to hear her response. "I'm wearing a tank top and shorts."

I grimaced. Clearly, she'd never done this before. "That's boring. I need more details."

She paused. The image of her nipples beading through the thin fabric came to mind. "I'm not comfortable with this."

Spellbound, Boundless Series, Book 4Where stories live. Discover now