Ch. 4

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I chose an early morning swim in lieu of rubbing one out. Tired of disconnected sexual gratification, I wanted to wake up to a woman, watching her breathe softly, full breasts rising and falling, picking up the pace when I glided my fingers on her warm skin. At my touch, her nipples would pebble. My fingertips would scale down her belly until I reached her mound, and I inserted a finger to feel her warmth and wetness, needing to hear her sighs and moans from my deep probing and rubbing. My fingers would knowingly caress her, drawing out gasps and whimpers. Only my mouth on hers would quiet her cries of pleasure and need while her thighs gripped my hand in place to both stop me and keep me going. Ultimately, I wanted to hear her scream my name because she wanted me. Only after she found her release would I take her as I desired.

There were only a few women who could take what I needed to give. At times, I liked it rough— almost dangerous. If I had to tone it down, I would—for the right one.

A couple of morning meetings at The Light Tower kept me occupied. They took my mind off of Lana. I settled in for lunch at Utopia Café, a small sandwich shop. From my laptop, I answered the voluminous emails for all my ventures.

When I took a sip of my latte, I saw Lana standing at the cash register. She was dressed in typical business attire. Her tight skirt outlined the amazing curve of her ass. A tall, thin man, wearing a light- weight pinstripe suit, stood beside her. Through narrowed eyes, I watched her laugh at his jokes. He leaned in close and whispered something in her ear. My jaw tensed despite admonishing myself that I shouldn't care.

An email alert turned my attention to my tablet. Intermittently, I looked up to track Lana's movements. After they found seats, she turned to glimpse around. We locked eyes. I hoped for a smile directed at me. She seemingly smiled at everyone else. However, in my case, she turned away and returned her attention to her date. Her actions settled any thoughts of a possible connection between us.

I preserved her privacy by returning to my work. My phone buzzed with a text, and I answered. A volley of texts kept me occupied until I heard a quiet feminine clearing of a throat. When I looked up, my heart skipped a beat.

"Ms. Coto," I said, hiding my surprise.

"Mr. Clay," Lana replied. A smile peered at the corner of her mouth.

"About that, how do you know my real name?"

Lana smirked. "I would be a very bad employee if I didn't know who I'm working for. As one of the founders of Pentagon, it isn't easy for you to fly under the radar." I couldn't help but stare at her full lips as she spoke. "Is there something you need?" Lana asked, awakening me from another quick fantasy.

"You answered my question. Although it created many more. Would you be available for dinner to answer them?" I asked, my heartbeat racing. My stare willed her to say yes.

"A business dinner? Because I don't date colleagues."

"Of course," I said, feigning professionalism. My hurt well-contained, I added, "Tonight?"

Without much thought, she asked, "Seven? At Becharm Bistro in The Light Tower?" Her hands gripped the chairback. White knuckles gave me the impression that she was nervous around me.

"You don't have to run off to class?"

"I'm fortunate to keep my Fridays free this semester. So does that work, or is next week better?" she asked. Despite her assertive demeanor, her tone was passive.

"It's great," I said.

"I'll make the reservations. See you later, Mr. Michaels," She seemed to be speaking for the benefit of people walking past the table.

Spellbound, Boundless Series, Book 4Where stories live. Discover now