Ch. 56

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"That's a lie!" Brigit cried. "I didn't—"

Ignoring Brigit, I interrupted, "So she approached you?"

"Yes," Ben answered, looking me in the eyes. Years of negotiation let me see the truth in his response.

"Do you know I gave her a sizable settlement when we separated?" I asked. Lana squirmed beside me, her hand going limp in mine. I squeezed for reassurance.

"I didn't care," Ben said in a dull voice. "I wanted to get back at you for stealing my family's company."

"Stealing is a strong word, just like you used against Lana's brother."

He shrugged and raised his hands. "Well, the world needed to know what you took from me. That company was my father's baby."

"Exactly. You never loved working there," I said gently. "As you previously put it, he cared more about the company than you. Aida said the same things. She even fondly recalled how you would have rather gone into investments or venture capital. Wasn't finance your major in college?" When he didn't respond, I added, "Brassi will continue to grow. The name remains prominent in Boston. Pentagon intends to grow it outside the region, as well. Your father will be proud."

"It should have been my father's decision as to what to do with his company."

"I agree. It's why I gave Aida plenty of time to change his mind and acquiesce, but she chose to go against him."

Ben's shoulders slumped. "So you didn't mastermind her plans."

"You know your sister. Once she has something on her mind, there's no stopping her." I skirted the truth. "I merely informed her of what I'd seen in the industry, and she ran with it."

"That's a lie," Brigit said, looking at Ben.

I turned to her. "Oh? And how would you know?"

"Because you cheated on me with Aida." She looked at Lana as if trying to form a female alliance against me, but Lana remained still. "And you're the most conniving bastard I've ever met."

"Brigit, when I met Aida, you and I weren't exclusive. Remember?" I paused to let her answer. She frowned and looked away. "I wasn't exclusive with anyone," I reminded her. "I often told you I wasn't interested in a long-term relationship."

"You're a fucking liar," she muttered. "He likes to fuck with your head," she told Lana.

Lana squinted at her. "Like you, when you kept asking me to help you plan your boyfriend's birthday party, but it was really about you getting to know me so you could get to Brady?"

Brigit shrugged. "You're just like his ex—" She tilted her head at Ben, "—common."

"That may be true, but I'm a common woman with your uncommon ex," Lana retorted. It was my turn to squeeze her hand. I was proud of how she fought for me.

"It's interesting how you call Lana common," I told Brigit, "when you're the one that lowered yourself to unseemly depths just so I wouldn't be with her."

Brigit stared at me with fury in her eyes. Then she sighed, "You're not even worth it." She faced forward and folded her arms.

"I'm not," I admitted, shrugging in acquiescence. She shot me a quizzical look.

"I've told you all along that I'm not worth it. There was never a time when I gave you my true self."

"Your true self? And you give that to her?" She rolled her eyes at Lana.

I looked at Lana and smiled. "I do."

"It won't last," she said, her voice quivering.

"It may not." I squeezed Lana's hand. "But I intend to work at keeping her happy forever. And unfortunately, I made the mistake of not informing you that I wouldn't ever give that to you."

Spellbound, Boundless Series, Book 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora