Ch. 6

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The horrible dinner with Lana ended soon after my declaration, and we parted ways at the door. I returned to my room to get ready to go to Conjure nightclub with Lark and Kent, who were bringing their girlfriends. Kent's live-in girlfriend was in town from Miami. Lark's girlfriend was his personal assistant, and their attachment bordered on co-dependency.

As I ruminated over the entire dinner conversation, my body rumbled with anger. Once again, the Keenes had taken something from me. They'd brainwashed Lana into believing there was something wrong with me. Her only reason for having dinner with me had been to get at the heart of my absence at Pentagon. I didn't care for women who loved gossip and made it their mission to figure me out, possibly selling the story for a windfall.

The dinner had served its purpose—to figure Lana out, and I didn't like the results.

Conjure Club buzzed with frenetic energy. The manager greeted me at the door and escorted me to the reserved area. I was the first to arrive and ordered our usual bottle service and sparkling waters. During my discourse with Lana, I'd imbibed a bit more than planned. I wanted to have a clear head for the rest of the night.

I watched as the guests danced. The club's vibe made me feel alive, but a tinge of disappointment remained. Pentagram was my idea. It was a seed that blossomed into this immense fruit that nourished all who worked, stayed, and played here. However, I couldn't enjoy this. I hadn't been part of the entire project. I'd missed out on critical aspects of the business. Although this baby was mine, to a large degree, I hadn't bonded with it.

Women danced in huddled groups, claiming their zone on the dance floor. Whenever a pretty brunette or redhead gave me a seductive smile, I looked away. I sought a blonde, one that would be willing to come to my empty, spacious suite and bring me to an orgasm I'd not experienced in months. There were several in Conjure to be had, but my attempts ended when Kent arrived. After wrapping his hand in mine and pulling him in for a hug, I greeted Aria who hugged me tight and congratulated me on the opening. As I endured idle conversation, my need for release prompted me to hunt.

In the far corner of the club, Lana, dancing with a group of friends, caught my eye. The tiny jacket she'd worn to dinner was finally off. Her hands were raised high in the air as she danced close to a friend. The friend had her hands on Lana's hips, both swaying to the beat. When Lana turned, visible tattoos on each of her shoulder blades made me stare. She was too far away to discern their design. My cock betrayed me by hardening. I shifted and reached for a glass, ice, and whiskey.

Lark arrived with Drea. I'd officially become the fifth wheel. Each of my friends had settled with their partners. Zipper was engaged to Jenna. Kent had Aria. Lark had Drea. And Matt had won Perla. I had no one.

The truth punched me in the gut, producing a dull ache that clogged my throat. I couldn't swallow the emptiness I felt. I looked over at Lana and found she was watching me too. She immediately turned away and continued dancing with her friends. One of them, an androgynous creature with short hair, tattoos, and full breasts beneath her masculine attire, pulled Lana against her body. She pressed herself to Lana.

The sight of Lana fused to another person, not resisting, sickened me. I looked away. For all I knew, Lana was a lesbian. It was a viable explanation for her disinterest in me.

Ready to find someone to conquer, I looked around the room. A tall woman with caramel-brown hair gave me furtive glances. I scanned her body and decided she would do. I excused myself. Quickly navigating the crowd of people, I walked right up to her, introduced myself, and asked her name.

In my ear, she answered, "Karin, with an I."

"Well, Karin with an I, would you like to dance?" She nodded vigorously. I extended my hand. Eagerly, she placed her hand in mine, and I parted the waves of people. I guided her to an open spot on the dance floor. Hip-hop lyrics vibrated around us.

Karin danced close, grinding herself against me. I grew hard. It had been months since I'd allowed myself the pleasure of a woman. Even returning to my home in the Dominican Republic, where I used to nestle between the thighs of my pretty chambermaid, Amaryllis, was no longer an option. When she'd become too clingy, I sent her away, giving her a nice separation package and finding her a job at another estate.

Tonight, I wouldn't be rubbing one out. With any luck, and it didn't appear I would need it, Karin would help me end my dry spell.

The heat of the moment inspired me to kiss the nape of Karin's neck. She didn't object, pulling her hair away to offer more surface area. As I held her hips tightly against my groin, I heard her moan at the feel of my cock against her bottom. She turned to kiss me and I pulled away, her lips landing on my jaw. With her arms wrapped around my neck, she pulled me in for a kiss.

I sniffed her breath. "Karin? How much have you had to drink?"

She rose up to respond, "I haven't finished my only glass of wine," and motioned over to her table where one lone glass stood.

I leaned into her ear. "So you're naturally this confident?"

"When a hot guy like you comes around, yes."

"Will your friends be mad at you if you leave them?"

We looked over at her friends. They were chatting. Karin shook her head. "No."

"Don't take this wrong. But are you willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement?"

"A what?" She wrinkled her nose.

"If I present you with a contract not to talk about what we do in my room, will you sign it?"

"Oh, like in those romance books?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Are you a millionaire?"

I hadn't been in twenty years, but I answered, "Something like that." I looked into her eyes as we rocked to the beat.

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you married?"

"No. Are you?"

"No. I'm still in college, but I'm graduating in May of next year." She giggled in my ear, and I contained a grimace, wishing she wasn't another co-ed.

"So you're twenty-one?" 

"As of last week." 

That was good enough for me.

Even Lana was a college student. Before I pushed all thoughts of Lana away, I looked over at her. She stared at us as she swayed to the music. Her grimace denoted a tinge of hurt. Jealousy? Unlikely. I was misreading her body language because she'd made it clear that she wasn't interested. Her butch friend wrapped her arm around her neck and pulled her away. I scowled and looked down at Karin.

Pulling Karin's arms off my neck, I said, "Let's go." I led her out of the noisy club and into a meaningless night.

Spellbound, Boundless Series, Book 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora