Ch. 8

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"This is the most we've talked in a session in a long time, Brady. Is there something that has you so open and animated?" Valerie asked.

I couldn't keep it from her. "I've met someone." She remained quiet and impassive. I expected some sort of reaction, but she remained stoic. "I don't know what to make of it," I said. Silence filled the room. After a while, I asked, "Are you going to say something?"

"Brady, I'm afraid if I say anything, you'll clam up. I'm barely breathing."

I smirked. "I was going to call you. The first day I saw her was—" I stopped, thinking back to the day.

"It was what?" she asked.

"Difficult." I sat back, folding my arms at my embarrassing thoughts.

Valerie leaned in. "In what way?"

I shrugged, slapping my hands on my knees, "I was on the verge of reverting to my old behaviors: calling my private investigator, having someone follow her and take her picture as she went through her day. Needing texts with details of her encounters. I was filled with angst."

"Did you do any of those things?"

"No." I frowned and narrowed my eyes at her.

"Why?" Her brown eyes peered at me through her black-rimmed glasses.

"Because it would be a waste of my time," I answered.

Her eyes demanded more explanation. When I didn't answer, she said, "It never stopped you before."

"I learned from you that I can't do those things. A woman's private life is none of my business unless she wants to share it with me. It isn't normal to do those things to someone just because I'm attracted to her. Besides, she's not interested."

"And how does that make you feel?"

I reflected, "Offended. Out of control. Pained."

Valerie scribbled on her tablet. "Let's take each feeling one at a time. Why were you offended?"

I shrugged, raising my hands in the air. "I have so much to offer, and I can't conceive of why she doesn't want me."

"How do you know she doesn't want you? Did she tell you?" She squinted, observing my reaction.

"Yes. Lana doesn't want to be involved with her boss."

"If she has given you a valid reason, you can understand why she doesn't want a romance with you."

"Yes, but it doesn't make it any more palatable," I answered.

She nodded. "Tell me in what way you feel out of control."

"As you already know, I've lived the majority of my life being in control of so many facets of my business, my family, Her... Perla. And I can't seem to conduct my life in a way where I'm not supporting or commandeering someone's life."

"How do you want to be in control of—Lana, is it?"

My jaw clenched, and I frowned while thinking of an appropriate explanation of what I wanted from Lana.

"She reminds me of—" I cleared my throat.

"Perla?" Valerie supplied.

My body shivered at the name. After all this time, I'd thought I wouldn't have such a reaction.

"Am I that transparent?"

"Truly?" She tipped her head and pursed her lips. I nodded, rubbing my hands together. "Actually, I was grasping at straws, but I figured it was the shortest one," she said. "What is it about Lana that reminds you of Perla?"

Spellbound, Boundless Series, Book 4Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora