Chapter 31

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Astrid Mellody Salvatore-St.John




All I could hear was the stupid water leaking from the pipes and the cold breeze coming through some cracks somewhere. Jeez it's like they never heard of insulation or something ugh i'd give anything just to be back home. It's only been a day since I was taken from my backyard. These people had presented themselves as my family although I've never seen or heard about them. The older one says she's my grandma when she got into my head, she got angry that I called someone who wasn't her son dad. The night I got here all I could do was cry for my parents the nightmares these people gave me about them.

Scenes of what looked to be my parents flashed in mind giving me a migraine I watched as they tore into people who begged them not be killed. More were of my mother taking over a whole city and leaving nothing but ash as she walked away from it smiling wiping blood off her face. I saw my uncle Stefan or the ripper of Monterey as they called him tearing people apart. There actions didn't terrify me as much as the look in their eyes as they looked around for someone new to do the same horrendous actions repeatedly. Every time the flashes past a new person would be standing over me staring down at me asking me if I saw my family for the real monsters they were. Although I didn't see them as monsters my mother told me about the whole humanity switch when my dad almost turned his off a couple years back. It made me understand them more. They were just trying to find their place in the world sure they killed innocent people, but I know my family regrets it I can tell in the way my mother tries to avoid telling the darker stories of her past.

It was still disgusting and unsettling I didn't think the phycological torture they were doing would turn darker. When morning came so did the flashes, but they were different this time I wasn't just watching them kill their victims I was there victims doing the same begging. Tears filled my face uncontrollably when I came back instead of someone standing over me there was food in front of my face. My favorite breakfast but only my mother knew my favorite foods and how I liked them cooked. I felt my mouth water looking at the food my stomach growled I could feel my hunger. It was a trick it had to be last night they talked about a ritual I was going to be in. It angered me more that I didn't know what the ritual going to be, but I had a bad feeling about it.

Looking back at the food my anger grew stronger kicking the tray of food to floor I unexpectedly felt the headache come back as it something was trying to crawl out of me. The pain was excruciating I held my head screaming at the top of my lungs I couldn't take it anymore and neither could my throat I could feel it becoming sore. I crouched down on the floor knees touch my stomach as I laid my head on the cold floor. My head was pounding and all I could think was the last time I spoke to my parents.

"Mommy please come for me I'm scared I'm sorry I don't hate you.... Please come get me daddy I'm sorry." I cried as the pain subsided; I laid my head back on the wall eyes closed tears streamed down my face. All I wanted was for them to come knocking down the door and coming to save me.

I thought about the night they were going out; I had come home from a date. It didn't end well I was humiliated and angry. I let my anger speak for me when they asked how it went. All I did was tell them it was none of their business and slammed my door to my room. When my mom came to check on me, I could have just cried in her arms instead I threw a pillow beside the door and told her to go away. Something she silently listened to closing my door leaving me alone for a couple of minutes until my dad came in looking worried

"What's the matter Bunny?" He asked cracking the door slightly I could only see his mouth when he spoke after all I could see was one eye peaking in. I got annoyed rushed to my door and shut not caring if my dad moved. I yelled through the door that I hated them. There was nothing to hate about them for it wasn't even their fault I was angry. After that they had finished getting ready much to my mother's protest of going out because something was wrong with me, and she was having a bad feeling about that night.

I wanted to take it all back and just tell them that the boy I liked only liked me because I come from money and luxury. He asked me to help him buy him a car with my money it wasn't mine it was my mother's and my father's. He tried to persuade me with sex later when he drove us back to his place in his mother's car. My mother raised me better then to be persuaded like that my father taught me to have more respect for myself, so I don't get taken advantage because of that. When I declined, he got angry I told him I had to ask my mother first because I don't run my own life yet. He reached over opened the door and told me to get out then that I wasn't worth his time if I wasn't going to help him better himself. How is buying a luxury car bettering your life at 17. My Uncle Stefan barely got his life together and he's 170 something money never solved his problems luxury cars didn't make him a better person. So I wasn't going to be swayed by this type of treatment either. So I did just what he said I got out and walked home I was hurt but I wasn't going to let him see how his words cut through my heart like a knife. We had been dating for almost a year now and I fell in love but like my mother says it's not always about love. This wasn't his first time belittling me. Instead of just talking to my parents I let my anger out on them something they didn't deserve.

I just want to go home apologize for being terrible, I sat there and imagined it in my mind. Me and my mother would be sitting in my room on my little sofa my dad made me. I would cry and tell her all the bad that happened in my relationship, my dad would be fixing me a plate of my favorite fruits just to not see me cry. I want to go home I want to be with my parents with my siblings. What if their right and I have to die I don't want to die I still have a lot to do my parents want me to go to college. I want to go to college I want to live I want my mom I want my dad.

I could hear them talking upstairs they were preparing for the ritual. They were rushing all over the place. Talking in latin ugh why didn't I learn this when my mom wanted me to, she was right again. My nerves were running I need to focus I need to concentrate Uncle Stefan always said a panicked brain doesn't come up with a good plan. Looking around the room I didn't see anything I could use to get these handcuffs off all I had free were my legs there was nothing to use. They took every precaution they could there's no hope my only chance at getting out of this was my parents coming for me.

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