Chapter 10

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Seraphina's POV

1855 Mystic Falls
Cold. Dark. Lonely.
I couldnt find myself thinking of anything else anyone else. My father had finished the daily abuse on me. All month he's had it in his mind someone was stealing money. All Lillian did was stand there.

Getting up I stumbled to my room my dress had been torn. From my shoulder to my waist blood had began to drip down my legs. Limping upstairs trying to be as quiet as possible.

Going to my door turning I saw
Damon in his door way staring into my eyes. Anger and sadness clear in his eyes and face. Looking at my tattered dress, and my beaten face. Tears pooling in his eyes. Having enough of this I shut my door limped over to my tub.

Watching blood and his stuff being washed away. Finally letting the tears fall. I'm only 16 I shouldn't have to go through this it wasn't my fault. I didn't take the money for those tickets.

Groaning awake I could feel my senses coming back the memories of events that passed flashed though my mind. Dahlia had come Anthony was helping her? Nothing made sense at the moment. Looking I saw Damon across from me my little brother had been beaten and weakened.

"Don't pull you connected to a bomb. We both are." Damon said shifting in pain brining his head up to look at me.

"Where is everyone?" I asked both of our throats were sore.

"Caroline and Elena ran with the kids Enzo didn't want to leave you behind." Damon said trying to get out of the ties.

"Great so i'm stuck with you." I say trying to lighten up the situation

"I got stuck with your ugly ass over a century ago." My sarcastic brother always matching me with a smirk.

"Please brother we both know we look better than Stefan and Amara." I joked both of us chuckling ang groaning out of pain.

"Your not wrong there." Damon said chuckling after a while he turned serious. "Seraphina?"

"Yeah." I responded

"What happened that night on my 17th birthday. Between you and dad." Oh god that night the night that changed my life forever.

"Damon-" I said trying to avoid the issue.

"Answer me please." He pleaded his voice shook as if he was scared for the answer.

"He raped me Dames had been since I was 14. I was protecting the three of you." I said irritated

"Is that why my beatings decreased." He asked looking intently at me.

"Yes." I said wondering what could have brought this up. 


"Drop it. Let me concentrate get us out of here." Before he could even finish I cut him off. Trying to concentrate on Stefan and Amira maybe we could mind link each other.

"Are you getting anything?" Damon whispered shaking my head I focused only on my sister.


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