Chapter 12

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Seraphina's Pov

It's been two days two days that Anthony was placed in Enzo's body. The constant taunting, teasing and threats. I've forgotten how cruel Anthony could be, the same way he would be when I was pregnant with Astrid. 

Every spell we've tried doesn't work he won't leave. Constantly tearing at pieces of myself that I've fought to rebuild. At night, the tears stream down my face. Why did he have to comeback why does he have to fight to stay somewhere he no longer belongs. I thought I had finally gotten away from him. He's back and he wont leave.

"Good morning sunshine." Closing the cell door behind me to meet Bonnie. Already setting up.

"Ready Bonnie?" I asked sitting in front of her so she can channel my magic seeing as I can't preform any spells.

"Letting her channel you? Is that another thing you can't do?" Anthony taunted ignoring him and only looking at Bonnie she held my hands and began chanting. 

As Bonnie chanted ignoring the insults Anthony threw at me. How amazing it is when the person who terrorized me made me feel like a pit stop and an object begins to grow silent.

"Why are you doing this how are you going to explain this to our daughter!?" Anthony exclaimed how it made my blood boil. 

"YOU DONT LOVE HIM YOU DONT LOVE ANYONE I WAS YOUR FIRST LOVE HE CANT REPLACE ME!!" Anger rushed through me I let more energy and magic flow through me my eyes began to glow the deep blue. Bonnie could feel it and with that she chanted harder blood didn't fall from her nose she was using my energy. The yelling had stopped the room went silent letting myself calm down looking at Bonnie both of our eyes locked neither wanting to see if it worked or not.

"Enzo?" I whispered I didn't trust my voice. The pain in my chest and heart grew tears threatened to fall. Placing my hands on my growing belly, my baby was moving so much. I pray all the stress didn't put a strain on my babies health. I want Enzo back.

"Why are you fighting so hard? I can leave his body when I want but I want to know." Anthony said my frustration exploded speeding to him holding him by the throat.

"Seraphina let him go that's Enzo's body he's just trying to get to you please." Bonnie pleaded hanging on to my arms and tugging away.

"Enzo may not be my first love but he was the love that made every single one before him irrelevant. Are you happy?" I said tears coming down my face dropping him to the ground and leaning against the cell door. Bonnie's eyes never leaving me.

"He treats me like a princess.  He calls me his goddess and ever since I got pregnant he's made every moment the happiest. Enzo tells me everyday that a woman's body is the closest thing to God on this Earth. A women's body it's where life comes from Enzo makes me fell as though the world rests at my feet." I wasn't particularly talking to anyone at that point my tears fell and sobs erupted out of me Bonnie rushed to my side. Trying to comfort me rubbing circles on my back and simply holding me.

"We can try again it almost worked. But we need to be sure that you releasing that much energy won't do anything to your son." Bonnie whispered brushing my hair with her finger. I pulled myself together to look at Anthony he looked heart broken he stared into the floor. nodding my head sitting down she started again. Turning my sadness for anger I let my magic flow. Gasping had caught our attentions. Staring blankly at Enzo's body he looked around confused yanking the chains.

"Enzo." Bonnie said she held my arm back from going towards him we had no idea if this was a trick.

"Is it him?" I asked looking intently at Bonnie.

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