Chapter 30

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I put the wrong year of the time jump instead it's 2025 not 2019.


October 30, 2025

Amira excitedly got herself ready for the Halloween party she was invited to. Wrapped up in the excitement she had invited her siblings to join her and Oliver. Amira had her son Asher ask Cara and Damon happily agreed when Asher offered to watch their two boys Henry 6 and Hudson 3. When Aaliyah had asked Caroline and Stefan they hesitantly went as they haven't left there one year old son with their nieces or nephew just yet. Amira had asked Seraphina is she had wanted to go since she's been having a bad feeling all week long. Everyone had been a bit uneasy for some reason and it started with Seraphina traveled to Damon then to Amira finally to Stefan. Amira knew her siblings could use a night out especially with how bitchy Caroline has been.

Amira had talked to the three older ones earlier that this was their chance to show some responsibility so they could have more freedom. They had been asking about attending the Salvatore Boarding school. Amira wasn't going to say yes but she was going to use that card to get her way. The siblings were ready each in a couple's costume even Damon surprisingly. Amira and Oliver were a doctor and a nurse Caroline and Stefan decided to visit the past and came back dressed as people from the 1920's. Seraphina and Enzo went as zombies Cara and Damon recycled Enzo and Seraphina's costume from a couple years back, they went as chucky and tiffany.

Astrid, Aaliyah, and Asher had already had a clear conversation with each of their parents and aunts and uncles. Seeing as they were going to stay home alone for the first time, they would be the ones in charge. Amira felt somewhat nervous about leaving her kids behind all she had to do was remind herself that Asher was a good boy if they did anything wrong, he would be the first to snitch. Although her sister was a different story Seraphina could feel something was off, even after Enzo pointed out that even if she didn't go it would be one more thing, she couldn't do because of her being a mother. Seraphina went unwillingly and half of her mind stayed with her daughter she couldn't move past it even the goodbye with her daughter left more unease. Damon tried to help his sister telling her they were probably ready to try something with no one home to watch them or telling them to go to one of their uncles' houses. Once the adults had left the kids were left completely alone.

Astrid Aaliyah and Asher were good kids they got in trouble once in a while for things their parents found out about. A couple weeks ago they saw their parents in the entrance of the house smoking and talking. It had intrigued them so much that's all they could think about even as a grown up you have to be sneaky with the things they did. Astrid tried multiple times to talk to her uncle about what she saw him her mother her uncle Stefan and her aunt Amira. Every time her or the twins tried, they always got shy it was nothing their uncle did it was simply because they didn't want to find out from other people, they wanted to find out for themselves. They wanted something to brag about at school. Astrid was somewhat popular although her and her cousins on different ends of the totem poles. Aaliyah was known around the school as Astrid's cousin and Asher's older sister. Not really known as her own person she was known as the quiet kid. Asher was the best in his grade he had gotten his academic.

"You're not being serious, are you?" Asher asks not wanting to risk the one time their parents trust them home alone for their first time.

"What are you worried about our parents are out getting drunk, I'll be surprised if our mothers come back without Uncle Damon or Uncle Stefan." Astrid points out waving everything in the air as if they had no worries whatsoever.

Astrid sat there waiting for Asher to make up his mind he knew she wasn't going to force him, but did he really want to pass up on this experience. Deciding there was nothing else he could protest the three of them sat back put a movie on and kept with the night laughing and occasionally going to check on the kids in between movies and popcorn refills.

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