Chapter 25

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Damon Salvatore

Waking up all I could hear was water, birds singing in the trees. Footsteps? Whose are those. Ugh I can't even move everything hurts. Where's Cara?

"Shh Damon I'm right here." A voice says struggling to move my neck up to see where the voice was coming from.

"Crazy Bitch." I spit at Elena who sits in front of me with a steak in hand.

"Aww is that any way to speak to your wife and mother of your daughter." She says faking a sad expression.

"Your not anything to me anymore where's Cara? Did your Petrova genes kick in? Did you go on a psychotic rampage the Katherine did."

"I'M NOT LIKE KATHERINE I COULD NEVER!!" She yells stabbing my leg with the steak making me yell in pain.

"Yeah not like her at all." I just went outside to get the stupid fireworks. I knew I should've sent Enzo.

"I'm not I just want you to see the error of your ways." She says leaning forward flinching my leg away before she can touch me. That's gross now I see what my sisters were talking about how could I have been with Elena. I have no idea how Cara isn't disgusted by me.

"What error?"

"Leaving me and your daughter." She says looking down to the ground I'm not falling for this those tears mean nothing and that baby isn't even mine.

"She's Matt's not mine you made that perfectly clear when Seraphina had her hand on your throat." I say chuckling until she stabs me again. This is starting to get old.

"Damon! The point is you left us! You wanted a family and I gave you that!-

"You cheated on me with him! You used magic for me on him and know you have his baby. Congratulations Elena you finally have someone to love you no matter what." Shaking my head and looking around I'm tied up I can feel the vervain burning my skin not to much. I can smell large amounts coming from all around me. Were deep in the woods.

"I'm sorry Damon I truly loved you." Before I could respond all I saw was black.

Salvatore Boarding House

Cara Salvatore the wife of Damon she had always been patient and kind. Her loving ways had a certain effect on the second oldest Salvatore. She had defended the boy once from his father, she had helped him calmed the anger he felt. It was then he knew what his sister had always told him about her best friend she has a way of calming the storm before it started.

Damon had written letters to Cara when he thought his wife was dead. He always thought the idea of writing in journals like his younger siblings. Was dumb and irrelevant, so he wrote letters to his dead wife. Seraphina had found out about this once and read the for herself. In some he mentioned Elena, trying to remember the spot they had said I love you. Seraphina had told her best friend about the letters and the two were currently reading through the letters while Amira and Stefan were getting everything ready for the kids and the house.

"She always needed something from them didn't she?" Cara asks reading her monthly letters.

"Yeah, Damon could barely write you trying to be at Elena's side." Seraphina said tossing the letter for Cara to see it had been written in two different inks.

"Needy little bitch." Cara mumbled making Seraphina laugh.

"No fucking way..... I'm shoving my foot up his ass." Seraphina whispers looking at the letter.

"What? Let me see." Cara says trying to take the letter back.

"No I'll tell you what it says."

"Seraphina just give it to me damnit."

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