Chapter 22

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Amira Salvatore

Caroline has been a freak these past couple of months. We were currently in charge of decorating for the baby shower. It wasn't hard considering she had a binder of it planned out. Seraphina's expensive taste has definitely rubbed off on her.

"And we thought decorating was going to be boring." Damon said sarcastically bringing in more streamers.

"What the hell are you talking about Day." I say taking the box and setting everything up.

"Enzo asking for another boy." Damon says smiling going through the streamers making it look like he was busy but he wasn't. This was going to be entertaining.

"Come on darling you always said you wanted and even number of children." Enzo says coming behind Sera carrying a table.

"Enzo you idiot we have four children that's an even number." Seraphina says rolling her eyes setting the table down.

"I want more-"

"I know what you want it's not happening you got your boy and I have my girls." She says shaking her head and turning away.

"When is he going to hit her with the guilt trip?" Damon whispers as we watch them and act busy so we don't get yelled at.

"Come on, I was an orphan I didn't have a family is it so bad. I want to have a big family with the love of my life. The woman who invades my dreams." Oh there it is.

"Yes we have four there's your family." She says walking away. Leaving him their staring at her and back at us shock.

"Guess you won't be sleeping with my sister this time huh butterfingers." Damon says shaking his head in fake disappointment.

"Shut up Damon." Enzo says running after my sister.

"He didn't have to be so mean." Damon says scoffing and hanging streamers again

"Theres so much glitter." Cara says shaking glitter of off her.

"What's wrong with that makes you shine brighter." Damon says going up to her and kissing her hand.

Don't get me wrong I love that my siblings are happy. But seeing them raising kids getting married. Having moments like this. It makes me miss Nik. Our time together was amazing it was the best year, I mean yeah he did kill Jenna. Damn I need to rethink about that for a minute.

"Aww Damon, you and your charming ways. Your not going to the bar your helping us setup." Cara says smiling and giving Damon a peck on the cheek and leaving.

"Damn I thought that would work." Damon says quirkiness his lips and shaking his head.

"Day you know you can't get past her and yet you still try. I admire you big brother." I say laughing and hanging starting on the balloon arch.

Everything was starting to come together Enzo and Seraphina were busy moving furniture. Stefan had taken Caroline out on a picnic, I wonder where he got that idea. Cara and Damon were making the party favors and I got stuck with the balloons. Bonnie didn't want to come to the baby shower since Elena couldn't come. Alaric and Jo are out getting the food since those two got married and found out about the twins she was going to have they've been coming over a lot.

"Hey!! Were here!" Jo squealed coming in raising bags up in the air followed by Alaric.

"Hey, what is all this?" I ask as Jo comes to me with the bags in hand.

"I picked up some gifts for Caroline and Stefan and the babies!" She says pulling everything on the table.

Looking through the gifts she had gotten Caroline a spa day treatment and an old cigar set for Stefan. She got the twins a stroller and some baby bottles.

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