Chapter 29

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Amara's POV

Making a decision this big with our family home is a little nerve wrecking what if this doesn't work. What if its already too late to change my mind were already about to tell the boys of our newest thought. The dreams are getting more frequent which usually means he's coming. I can't have Klaus come looking for me and the kids, he chose who he wanted long ago. I have to protect my children there are going to ask why he wasn't around. I don't need them knowing that their dad chose Hayley over us. I understand things happen but are you kidding me. He could have come back sooner before I broke the bond, he had five years now he doesn't have any I'm done waiting for him to come back to me. I can't keep thinking like that I need to focus on other things.

I need to make my own family have my own man instead of using Enzo Damon and Stefan for my issues. Stefan has Caroline Damon has Cara Seraphina has Enzo, I have myself I don't want to be one of those parents that lay everything wrong on their child it's painful to see what it grows up to be like. I've always been the baby, so everyone just took care of me but now that everyone has families, I'm sure everyone wants space from each other especially with double twin sets.

I also might have heard Seraphina and Enzo talking about it the other night. More like Enzo asked Seraphina to think about it and she said she would. I can see it that she's going to tell him yes Cara is quick to copy my sister in decisions. Hopefully they found something where we can build a custom home for ourselves. I need my own money I need to start something on my own the school is a start. I need to build something to leave to each of my children for when they're ready to be on their own. I need to have something to offer just in case I have to find my own house.

I had decided to find my sister before the meeting started to tell her that I wanted to change my mind.

"Absolutely not Cara and Damon want to start trying Caroline and Stefan need more space. Look you don't need to worry about a thing Cara and Damon found something I think you'll like it. Plus, me and Enzo were going to do it anyways we have a lot of kids. It's happening one way or another either way you still getting taken care of." She says putting a hand on my shoulder trying and failing to look sympathetic to me.

"Seraphina the kids are still young-"

"No, Astrid is 5 Aaliyah and Asher are 4 Reyna's 2 and Evan and Aspen are 1 Lexi and Elizabeth are 6 months old now. A after the construction the renovation on both places is going to take time, we might not be done for another 2 years were going to have to do them at different times. The kids are going to be older by then I doubt at 7 the twins are still going to want even to share a room at that age neither are the girls. Look I'm sorry I had kids way to close together were running out of space sit down and listen you're going to like what we have to offer. Trust me please." Looking into her eyes as she silently pleads me. Doing so I nod and go to sit down placing the twins next to me on the couch.

"So, considering everything that is going on we thought maybe turning the house into a boarding school, and building our own. The girls and I talked about this morning and Cara did what you said." Cara and Seraphina trade places making eye contact with my sister as she sists next to her husband nods to me as we both look to Cara.

"I found a plot of land for sale out there and we were thinking about a house like a palace we each have our own private area or home inside. Like kings and queens do in palaces." Cara finishes we each go around the room sharing ideas and other things. We wanted it wasn't as bad everyone was happy talking about how they were going to build their home layout.

The boys agreed to build their wives houses after they got finished with mine. Although I'm glad for the house I immediately say there's no need for that since Oliver will be following me. Seraphina quickly brings up that he's still human. I knew this was going to come up on day why I haven't turned Oliver yet since we've been talking about it for some time now.

"I don't want to turn him I don't know it might affect him, so Stefan do it." I say raising a glass and flashing a smile. While all eyes go directly to Stefan since he's the more normal one. Nodding along we cheer one more like teenagers laughing and giving shoulder bumps to Stefan like he just won a football game.

*Two Years Later 2019*

The house was finished we had built a house with several guest bedrooms on the second floor away from our private homes just in case. Oliver's family comes to visit us. Since there still alive although we forgot to factor in the giant family he comes from. Since his transformation our relationship has grown stronger and closer. Maybe it's just the vampirism but either way I love it. The twins have a great relationship with Oliver which means the world since Oliver made it a yearlong mission to get them to like him, although he accidently got them to love him like a father. Which is fantastic because now instead of asking where's dad they ask when he's coming home. I'm not sure if that makes me a bad person letting my kids call someone who's not their dad, dad.

Either way I check in with my kids to know their feelings about our new life. For Aaliyah it was a change she had to get used to the fact there is a male figure in the house it only took one thing for Aaliyah to change her thoughts on Oliver. We had brought the kids with us when the school first opened up. Aaliyah had snuck off with Astrid somehow someway they went off to go kiss boys. When we had gotten home Aaliyah ran straight to our private home and into her room. I had gone in to talk to her about what had happened but nothing all she said was she had her first kiss. Oliver had gone in to give it a try Aaliyah had told Oliver she had gotten rejected and because I've never been rejected Aaliyah didn't know how to tell me. Oliver had given her the most beautiful speech telling her she was beautiful that it's ok not to be everyone's type and that nothing was wrong with her lips. Apparently, the boy told her that her lips were too big, so Oliver told her about the time he rejected me. The twins were two I had brought him home hoping for just a one-night thing but i got rejected because he wanted something real with me and my kids. I wasn't ready so he waited. In that moment Aaliyah went in for a hug that Oliver graciously returned as she began to sob into his arms calling him dad when she lifted her head. Asking him if anyone would love. He assured her someone would saying that right now she needs to start taking the weeds out of her garden until the flower that doesn't disappoint her at all and lives up to the standards he will put in place for her, so she can know what to expect asking her if that would be fine, she nods her head allowing him to dry off her tears.

Since then, they both follow him around like if there not 7 and independent. Now they're asking him for a sibling to break the score of how many girls and boys live in this house and honestly watching Cara go through her pregnancy made me have baby fever Henry is the cutest baby I have ever seen. I might just say yes. In the beginning I was a little apprehensive of the life change, but it is great once I stopped fighting and just went with the flow. Everything just brightened up new possibilities I haven't thought about Klaus once and when I don it doesn't break my heart.


Sorry for the long wait enjoy! Stay safe and have a good day!

Vote and comment I love hearing your feedbacks and reading your comments inspire me to keep writing until it's finished.

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