Chapter 39

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My head is killing me and the ringing in my ear won't stop.I feel like I can't breathe as my eyes try to focus.Why is there smoke ? Oh right there was an explosion.I turn my head with what little strength I have and see Nikolai staring at me with a smile.Is this how I'll truly die,beside the man who caused me pain.He doesn't blink as he stares and he looks calm.I cough as the smoke fills my lungs.I'm going to die.I say repeatedly as my eyes blur with tears.I was numb to everything before and prayed it would end  but I don't want to die.My vision blurs as Nikolai closes his eyes. is he-.I hear people in the distance before I feel my body being lifted.Too tired to fight anymore my body surrenders to the darkness.

I keep running but all I hear is his voice."No I won't go back!" I run faster and I hear him getting closer."Leave me alone!" I run determined to escape whatever new prison he has planned for me and I know it will be worst than the last.I see the light shining through the door and I can make it there to escape him again.As I'm about to run through the door I'm lifted "No!" I sit up screaming and someone tries to restrain me "Let me go!" I yell and fight against the person's hold.I hear multiple footsteps running towards me and men in white coats hold me down " Mam we're going to give you something to relax." I continue my fight telling them not to inject me but they did and  whatever is in the syringe hits me quickly.My eyelids get heavy before I'm pulled back into darkness.

I slowly open my eyes only to be blinded by the light.I move my hand to shield the light but it's stuck.I glance around the room and it's large and well decorated but there's hospital equipment.I look at my body and I'm dressed in a hospital gown but my hands are tied to the bed."That psycho!" I pull against the leather restraint but it doesn't budge.

"You're awake." I stop my struggles when my eyes land on Alina."We had to restrain you because the last couple of times you woke up you were fighting everyone." She says with an awkward laugh.I glare at the woman I once called my friend and think of all the what if's.What if I stayed at my boring job? what if I never met her? what if I never took up her offer to stay at her hom? .So many possible scenarios and I could have avoided all that I went through.

"Are you thirsty?" She asks as she steps closer.I nod and she starts undoing my restraints.When she's done I raise my hands and slap her across her face.Her head snaps to the side but she doesn't make a sound or say a word as the bruise forms on her face."I deserved that." She stairs at me and her eyes fill with tears

"You don't get to stare at me and be sad Alina.I've been through so much shit and the demon I'm attached to is your family.I deserve to do way more to you especially with you trying to kill me.Andrei told me about the poison.There you were,acting clueless.I wonder what would happen to you if I tell your brother you killed his child." I end with a smirk because I'm feeling petty,angry and resentful of everyone who claimed to be on my side but were only on Nik's side.

I stare as Alina stands and holds her stomach.The room is quiet as we have a stare off.Alina ends the tense stare off when she takes a seat across from my hospital bed.She sits silently as I get up ignoring the pain in my body.I limp to the closest mirror and I'm traumatized.My skin is pale,my hair is matted and my face is covered with bruises.Wanting to check my entire body I lift my gown to see more bruises and look at my throbbing calf covered in a bandage.I watch as she places a water jug close to my bed and takes her seat again. Eventually my eyes travel to her stomach she's holding protectively.I finally ask what I suspected and she confirms her pregnancy."Nikolai is dead.She says and her voice trembles before I hear her sob." I never thought I would be a widow,single mother and the last member of my family." She adds as she softly cries.I stare at her confused

"Excuse me?" She repeats her statement but the part that stands out to me is that Nikolai is dead.I ask her if this is another one of her jokes and she's offended " Why would I lie about something like this? I hated him for the horrible things he did but he's still my brother." She says looking annoyed by my reaction.Her reaction only confirmed that she really wasn't truly there for me or was going to help me in anyway.

"Do you want me to say I'm sorry for your loss?" I ask and she stands up and stomps over to my bed.I don't want to hit a pregnant woman but that never stopped her demonic brother.But I'm a better human being than everyone in this house "Unlike you and your brother  I won't harm a pregnant woman and kill her baby." I tell her with a smile and she pales.I confirm with her that Andrei her loving husband told me everything with his new bitch.Yes, my words were a low blow but I've been through too much to care now.

"It wasn't like that." She says with a sigh " I meaured the poison and added just enough to your meal to make you sick to move you to another facility that won't be as tightly guarded.I planned on faking your death but I didn't consider how the physical trauma to your body  from Nikolai would also affect the baby.I was trying to help." She ends before taking a seat again.

"I need a shower I stink." is my only response as I stand.Alina offers to help me to the room but I refuse.After struggling around the bathroom a nurse enters and says Alina sent her to assist me with my bath.I nod that it's okay for her to help because I was definitely struggling.The nurse helps me to wash my body and hair before leaving me to moisturize and change into a new gown. I exit the bathroom to see Alina still in the room with a cart filled with food.

"Are you trying to finish your job of poisoning me?" I ask seriously because why is she still here and apart of me doesn't trust that Nikolai is dead The man constantly played games.I move to sit in the bed ignoring the food and my stomach eating itself.I'm starving. " Will you just eat the food?I can here your stomach growling" she yells as she dips her fork and spoon in everything and takes a bite " See,no poison" she says again looking angry at my accusation."Let's give it ten minutes.When you poisoned me nothing happened until after I was done." I tell her but I knew deep down she wouldn't risk killing her baby.

I finally take a seat and Alina stares at me before telling me to eat the soup first.I was skeptical at first but she tells me I was unconscious for a week due to the trauma to my head and body and I need to take it easy at first.We eat in silence until the meal is done but Alina just takes a seat again in the comfy couch "When would you like to leave?" She asks and I don't trust that it's a another plan at my fake freedom only to be snatched again.

"Are you playing with me again? Call him out and tell him this game is not funny." I tell her but she looks serious." I wasn't lying Sas, Nikolai is dead." Her voice cracks and I see her tears flowing." His body was already healing from a previous encounter and the damage from the blast caused third degree burns and  he suffered blood loss when he was impaled." She ends and I lay down stunned.Is this real? I hear her footsteps getting closer.

"This is a picture of him in his casket when we buried him." She says as shoves her phone in my face.I take it and zoom in on the image.Images can be faked but can this be real? We hear a knock and Mariana enters. "Saskia.I heard you were awake." She says as she walks closer to me and Alina.I stare at the woman who I thought truly cared for me but even with multiple options to help me she still chose Nikolai's side. Alina tells her that I don't believe Nikolai is dead and it's another plan but Mariana assured me he passed away and I can see her fighting to hold back her tears.

"Okay.I believe you.Now when can I leave?" I ask and I can tell they're surprised by my coldness.What did they want me to do ? Run and jump around the room for joy.Being with them and him broke a part of me that can never be fixed. They tell me I can leave after I'm cleared by the doctor."Thanks,you guys can leave now I'm tired" I see the disappointment in Mariana's eyes but I'm ready to leave this all behind.I just hope this isn't another dream.

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