Chapter 8

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After that day he removed everything that might be dangerous in the room or can cause harm to myself.I was serious about not birthing his spawn even if it meant hurting myself.Deep down I knew I couldn't take my own life but it was tempting.I'm locked in the room with a small bathroom for what felt like weeks but it could be longer.Theres no clock or calendar to keep track.He's the only person I see because he brings all my meals.He never lets me feed myself and I have to finish everything he brings.

After he feeds me he compliments me that I'm his good girl before using any toys he has then fucking me senseless.He only lets me wear his black t-shirts and I have nothing under for his convenience. Everytime I tried fighting or attacking he either spanks me,hits me or has brutal sex that leaves my body racked with pain.I was starting to loose my mind in the windowless room.I'm starting to believe what he said those weeks ago that I'm his.He never lets me go hungry or tries to kill me even though he lays his hands on me.His excuse is if I would listen he wouldn't have to punish me.

But what broke my spirit was him threatening to hurt my family.I wish I could say it was a bluff but the look in his eyes let me know it's not.I felt guilty when he made the threat to kill them and I regret how we left everything unresolved after my argument with them. I might never get to apologize.

I hear the lock and I know it's my tormentor.I fear what he has planned.I realized quickly that he's a sadist and even though his lashes and cuts littered my body I get wet from the pain despite me crying.He enters and I fight not to step back from his looming presence.
"Have you been good today?" He asks knowing damn well I didn't try anything.I personally watched as he installed a camera in the top corner.I nod and he peppers my face with kisses.He removes his shirt and I stiffen that it's another one of our sessions but he lays on the bed.I'm surprised but grateful.This man never gives my body a break my vagina has been aching for days.
"Lay with me." I hesitate and he glares.I apologize and lay beside him making sure we don't touch.He doesn't like that and pulls me into his side.

"Talk to me." I couldn't hide my shock.This man enters this room daily to feed me, fuck me and tell me I'm his possession.I don't respond and I wince when he holds my side in a painful grip.
"H-how was your day?" I breathe out and he kisses my cheek.

"Tiring I had to torture a few men today to get my point across." He responds casually making my eyes widen.Breathe Saskia.I lay still not knowing what else to ask.

"Uhm how old are you?" Its quiet and I turn to see his eyes closed.I breathe a sigh of relief not wanting to speak with him
"I'm twenty-eight." He responds in his deep voice making me jump.I didn't expect him to be younger.I thought this man was atleast in his mid thirties.We lay there in silence until I hear soft snores.He mumbles something in his sleep and tightens his grip.
"I need you, don't leave me."
I'm shocked at the psycho's request.Its not like I have a choice with the threats he made against my family.

I wake feeling nauseated.I move to get up and he hugs me to him close.I shake him feeling my stomachs contents coming up
"Nikolai please let go I feel sick." He sits up and I run to the bathroom.I throw up my lunch from earlier and hug the toilet feeling like shit after.I keep convulsing as he rubs my back.I push myself away from him and walk to the sink.I hate when he shows this tender side.My mind is confused and sometimes craves it since he's the only one I see every day. I brush my teeth and I see him watching me.

"You'll be moving up to my bedroom tomorrow." My head snaps up and my excitement is visible.I get to leave. I haven't seen or had fresh air in awhile.

"But make no mistake if you don't listen, you will be back in this room and I will kill everyone in your family so don't test me." My smile falls but I still have some joy of leaving these four walls.

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