Chapter 18

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I tap my foot as the men in the warehouse grow nervous.I check my watch again and see that Ruslan is now twenty minutes late.This recent disrespect from the new territory leaders is getting out of hand.I particularly hate Rusland but his territory brings in the most money for our drugs. He obviously didn't take what happened to Bogdan as a warning.I didn't plan on leaving the house today and wanted to spend some time with her.Lately the thought of loosing or missing out on the peace she gives my tortured mind feels like a drug.

Our heads turn when we hear the door open.I stand from my chair as Rusland walks in with ten men.I raise brow as the fat cocky bastard smiles.This is supposed to be a small meeting so why bring ten men.
"Pakhan." He says as he does a dramatic bow.His men snicker at his actions.He probably thinks he has an upper hand with how many men he has with him compared to me.I brought five of my most skilled men with me because that's all I need.

"Rusland, ty prosish' o vstreche, na kotoruyu ya ne khotel idti, a teper' proyavlyayesh' ko mne neuvazheniye".(Rusland,you request a meeting that i didn't care to attend and now you disrespect me).I say in a deadly tone.I feel myself shaking with my growing anger.The dumbass smirks then raises his hand.Immediately his men draw their weapons.

"Nikolay, ya slushayu vse tvoi pravila. Mnogiye iz nas slushayut, i ya reshil pokonchit' s etim seychas, vmesto togo, chtoby zhdat'." (Nikolai I'm over listening to all your rules.Many of us are and I've decided to end it now instead of waiting). He says smiling like he has any chance of leaving here alive.

"Is this about me not allowing you to traffic those children?" I ask even though I know it is.He came to me presenting that he was offered a shipment from another Mafia to present to me for an alliance.When he mentioned that it was children I threatened his entire famy if they didn't send those children back home.Even I'm not that evil to hurt children.

Rusland goes on to rant that it would have brought in millions and how I'm affecting his money.I stare at him bored as I put my hands in my pocket.I'm sure him or his men haven't even noticed Igor in the shadows.Growing tired of hearing the bitch before me speak I give the signal.The bullet pierces the chest of one of Rusland's men and the room gets quiet.The quiet doesn't last as me and my men remove our guns and start shooting.I fire hitting Rusland in the shoulder.He tries to reach for his gun as two of his men block him but my men are faster.

Rusland looks around him as his hands shake with his gun.He was always a pussy.He never tried to train to make himself stronger.His reliance on others is what's getting him killed today.
"pozhaluysta, poshchadi menya,Pakhan."(please spare me Pakhan).He falls to the ground on his knees.I stare at him before telling my men to hand me my knife.Rusland eyes widen and he tries to run but the kick I give him makes him fall to the ground.

I stab the knife in his shoulder and twist it "Kto pytayetsya poyti protiv menya."(Who's  trying to go against me?" He whimpers but doesn't answer.I push the knife deeper and twist.
"The officials.They said they'll turn a blind eye if some of us help them take control and kill you. They said they want more money and grow tired of the little you give.Please Pakhan I can help." He cries harder but I was trained not to show mercy.I stab him with the knife as I get lost in the past.


"Nikolai kill him!" My father yells as I stare at the battered man in the chair.I don't want to kill the man I'm scared and I want to cry but he'll see.
"Konstantin the boy is only ten.Its too soon." my grandmother pleads to my father but he tells her to mind her business.He stares at me expectantly as I hold the gun.My hands are shaking.The guard was always kind to me but my father hates that,he says kindness means weakness.I whimper when he throws me into the wall
"Stop being worthless.How do you expect to take over.I refuse to have a little bitch for a son." He yells as I groan in pain.I fight the tears because he says the beatings he gives means he loves me and wants me to be stronger but he hits me harder than Alina.
"Konstan-" my grandmother tries to help but he pulls her back.

"Stand up Nikolai!" I stand shakily and keep my head low."You never hesitate to take a life not matter who the person.If I tell you to kill you do it, nobody should be forgiven.Now give me your hand." I try enter a space in my mind where he can't get me but the sound and pain of him breaking my arm makes the place fade quickly.
"Ahhh." I scream and hold my aching arm that's bent in Ann odd direction.He smirks at me before he shoots the man in the head.
"For your punishment you'll stay in this room for three days without food or water.Mother if you help him I'll know." He says before he leaves.I see tears in my grandmother's eyes before she leaves the room but she doesn't do anything to save me.Nobody ever does so why should I care for them.

Flashback over

My eyes focus and the image of my father's face fades back to Rusland.I remove the bloody knife and stare at his mangled body.I still feel like killing someone.I wish that bastard Konstantin was still alive.I stand and my men step back.I shake away the thought and walk to my car.My driver stares at my appearance as he shakes but doesn't say a word.I sit in the car and wipe the blood off my face.I despise those memories I think the bastard is trying to haunt me from the grave.

The car stops and I frown but I realize we're already at the house.I open the door before my driver can and enter the house.
"Hey Nik-" Viktor says before stopping

"There will be a war soon between us and the government officials.Get me the name of everyone who's trying to go against us." He nods as I leave.I choose to go to my room to shower so this nasty blood doesn't infect Saskia.I run the water cold enjoying the feeling.


"Why the fuck are you gardening." My father yells when he sees me and Alina in the green house.Alina whimpers and I couldn't find my voice to answer.He slaps me across the cheek.
"Papa no!" Alina screams and he pushes her out the way.I stare as Alina cries and I try to help her up but he kicks me.
"Nikolai stop being a pussy and gardening.You're supposed to be at training five minutes ago.You're wasting my fucking time when I have important shit to do." He yells and starts beating me again.Alina only sits and cries.Why is she even crying it's her fault.If she didn't ask me to help this wouldn't have happened I wouldn't be late."

Flashback over

I shake my head.This shit is happening too often.I always push away the old memories but it's been frequent lately.I get dress in a sweatpants and walk to the infirmary.Saskia should be finished with lunch by now.I enter and she's still reading the book I picked out for her.She looks up and tenses before looking down at the book.I walk in and take the book and close it,she stares confused as I pull her to lay down.I rest my head on her chest and wrap my hand around her waist.I close my eyes as I feel myself calm.
"Can you massage my scalp." I ask without opening my eyes.She slowly moves her hand through my hair and I feel the sleep approaching.
"Thank you." I whisper before ei let sleep completely take me

The Pakhan's obsession 18+Where stories live. Discover now