Chapter 22

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I'm writing this in the moment. If there are any inconsistencies please let me know I don't remember parts of the story


I wake on a hard surface and sit up.I look around the medium sized room and try to move my ams but they're secured by chains
"Что это, черт подери, такое? отпусти меня сейчас."(What the hell is this? release me now)
I shake the chains and look to one of the cameras in the ceiling.I haven't been in this room in years.

I hear the lock and see Alina walk in "В чем причина этого? отпусти меня сейчас, пока я не сделал что-то, о чем не пожалею." (What's the reason for this? release me now before i do something i won't regret) I glare at her as she smirks

"Успокойся, Николай. Ты меня не убьешь."(Calm down Nikolai.You're not going to kill me) she says as she takes a seat

I laugh "Вы, должно быть, забываете время, когда я стрелял в вас." (You must be forgetting the time i shot you.) She stops smirking at more words.I did shoot her but it was in my rage and it wasn't meant to kill her but she was in my way.

"Fuck you Nikolai." She yells and storms over.I feel the sting from the slap but didn't expect the two punches to my nose .I pull against the chains wanting to hurt her

"Я давно хотел выбить тебя из колеи за то, что ты сделал с Саскией."(I've been wanting to smack the hell out of you for what you did to Saskia.) She says as she takes her seat.

"Где она? она нужна мне."(Where is she? I need her) I fight against the chain desperate to be free now.
"I swear Alina I'll rip your flesh from your bones." She flinches at my tone and I see Andrei in the doorway
"You surprised me Nikolai when you set your sites on Saskia.She's my only friend and she didn't have an easy life.Neither did we but she's still the kindest person i know.I thought you were changing when she was here. I saw some parts of my brother coming back."

I laugh and lunge at her but she jumps back in time
"You want to know what happened to your brother.I took every punch,slap,broken bone and burn.I sat in a room with a rotting human for days while he starved me because of you and everyone around here.What did you and our grandmother do?" She stares at me quiet before hanging her head low.
"That's right nothing.I even killed the man who terrorized you all.I did that shit myself.i had to get my hands dirty myself.Then when people tried to kill us I had to fight and protect everyone myself. " I laugh ."everyone calls me a monster and I know I am I had to be for you all and to protect myself so don't come here with your dumb statement about getting me back.Now remove these chains and bring me to my woman."

"Stop with the damn pitty party Nikolai.Our father abused everyone in this house.I took his slaps and hits too.Our dear father was even shopping me around for arrisge to get an alliance.It isn't matter to him that those men were twice my age.My punishments wasn't as harsh but that doesn't mean our father held back his punches." She yells as Andrei tries to come closer but she stops him. "Atleast I don't use the abuse to justify the bad shit I do.You almost killed Saskia and you left a permanent scar on the women's life.You killed her family when you didn't have to."

"I had to-" I yell but she interjects " You didn't but you wanted her all because you're afraid that anyone else would take her attention even me.You're a child in man's body."She ends and I pull harder against the chain feeling it drak from the wall .Before I can pull against the other side Andrei and a guard run inside and hold me down.
I glance at the syringe
"Я отрежу тебе руку, если ты заткнешь меня этим."(I'll cut your arm off if you stick me with that) I yell as I'm pulled back to darkness.

Three months later

I sigh as I walk around the padded room.My sister was smart to move me somewhere secure.In my last escape attempt I killed two guards.
"Mr Sokolov are you ready to talk about your past?"  The doctor asks again through the speaker
"Are you ready for me to stick my hand down your throat and rip out your vocal chords." I ask back with a smile
"I'll check again tomorrow.You also have a guess stopping by."

It's the same thing every day. I wake up on the small bed, walk around the room, check on business through the laptop provided before being served my meals through a small opening.They give me medication they think that I should take but I never take them. The only good thing about this room is that I've calmed down.I no longer feel the need to kill everyone who put me here.I started thinking of it as my vacation before I go after my enemies and get Saskia back.

I hear a knock on the window and press the intercom.
"Николай, ты выглядишь отдохнувшим." (Nikolai you look rested). I glare at Viktor as he takes a seat.I take mines and listen to his update about the business and all who betrayed us.
"Я все еще пытаюсь выяснить, кому подчиняется премьер-министр."(I'm still trying to figure out who the Prime Minister is reporting to)

"How is she?" I ask the same question everytime I see Viktor.Saskia never left my thoughts or dreams.He sighs "She's doing fine and still with Mariana.They're currently in Spain and their bond is growing." I nod and he shows me some pictures.Her hair is longer and she got more beautiful.When I calmed I asked Viktor where she was but he wouldn't tell me at first.


"Viktor where is she I yell as I punch the glass wishing its his face.
"Nikolai calm down.I don't know where she is but I don't think I can tell you.We're all worried about you but I feel bad for Saskia even though I don't know her.You put her through shit man." He says looking annoyed.
"Тебе нужна помощь, кузен. Чем больше у тебя рассудка, тем хуже для тебя. Поправляйся, и я помогу ночью." (You need help cousin.The more your sanity cracks the worse it is for yourself.Get right and i might help). I nod understanding what I need to do.I need to control my anger to get out of this box.But I also need to act like the man Saskia needs.This might be my best performance.

Flashback over

A month after I showed some change Viktor located her but I didn't expect for her to be with Mariana.The woman has a temper like my grandmother.She also has alot of connections around the world and can be petty.Viktor did warn me she had a punishment for me hurting Saskia.Knowing Mariana the punishment will be painful but I'm ready to see my woman.

"Viktor call my sister.I think I've proven my good behavior and it's time for me to leave."

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