Chapter 15

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I run in the direction we entered. Everyone stares at me but I don't stop as I exit the restaurant.I bump into people who cuss and yell but I ignore them all.I get tired and turn into an alleyway.I stop to catch my breath. I bend feeling sick and dry heave.I tense when Ihear a sound and turn quickly pointing the gun.
"Ahh Ne strelyay ya khotel pomoch(Don't shoot I wanted to help). I stare at the middle aged woman holding a trash bag and lower my gun.

"Do you speak english?" She nods but still looks frightened.I apologize to her but I can tell she's on guard.

"Are you sick?" She asks and I nod.She stares at me and I probably look crazy to her.She asks again if I will hurt her and I assure her I won't.She throws away the trash before turning her back to me.
"Come with me,it's a bit chilly and this alleyway is filthy." She seems kind and I can't stay outside he'll find me.When I ran I didn't think about where I would stay or hide.

"Are you coming?" I make up my mind and walk towards her as she opens a door.I enter what looks like a stock room before she leads me further inside.
"This is my dress shop." I look around the small shop with a few displays.Her dresses are cute but more for older women.
"Follow me.I live upstairs.Lets get you cleaned up."

We walk upstairs to her apartment which looks small but comfortable.She tells me to wait in the living and I follow her with my gaze.She enters a room and walks out with clothes in her hand
"I have a shirt and sleep shorts that I think can fit.I'll show you to the bathroom and you can clean up while I get you food." I see her eyeing the gun again nervously but I don't want to part with it yet.I know he's looking for me.

"I swear I won't hurt you.My name is-" I debate telling my real name and decide not to " My name is Natalie." She smiles and tells me her name is Vera.I'll rest here and keep moving after.I strip out of the dress and get in the shower.I shiver despite the high temperature of the water and stand under the spray until it gets cold trying to come up with my plan but my mind is tired.

When I'm done I meet Vera in the living room seated at a small table.I stare at the plate she has and it's sandwiches
"Thank you,that's so kind." She nods as she takes a bit of her sandwich.She offers to wash my dress but I tell her I'd rather throw it away.We sit at the table as we silently eat our ham sandwiches.
"Do you want to talk about it? It's not everyday I see a pretty woman in a $3000 dress with no shoes and a gun." She says amused.

"I have a crazy ex and I need to get away." I tell her deciding that the truth might be dangerous.She's already shown me so much kindness I don't want her to get caught up in this mess.
"Now I understand the gun and you not wanting to part ways with the gun.My sister had a stalker so I understand it's scary.You can stay here until you feel safe." I smile at her.She reminds me of Cassandra with her kindness.

She sets up the couch with a blanket and pillow after we eat."The couch isn't the most comfortable." She says but I tell her it's perfect.I'll take anything because I thought I would be sleeping outside tonight.She leaves for bed and I lay down. I toss and turn a few times before falling asleep but it's not restful.

I wake hours later from another nightmare.My nightmares  now has my parents and the man from the restaurant.I stare at the window and it's still dark.Even though I'm tired sleep doesn't come again.When Vera wakes I need to ask if she has a laptop.I need money if I'm going to leave this country.

I asked her about the laptop the minute she wakes. Luckily she has one, it's outdated but all I need to do is access my parents emergency account.They gave me and my brother the log in if anything happened to them.My gut tells me Nikolai probably knows everything about me including my financial information.The man knew what I ate for breakfast the second day.

I log into their account and see there's still $50,000 but how will I get the money?
"Hey Vera can you please tell me where the closest bank is?" She tells me she will take me after breakfast.She makes pancakes but I opt for toast because I still feel nauseous.I take the sundress and flats she offers to me to wear.They're a little large but it will work.I can't be picky. We finish breakfast and she says she needs to change.I stare at her in a dress that looks fine but wait as she runs to her room.II get anxious because she's taking forever.Hiw long does it take to change?

I hear a phone dinging repeatedly and turn expecting Vera to come and get it. I follow the sound and walk over to the small desk.I pick it up to bring it to her but I'm shocked to see my photo along with a message showing an address.The latest text says "ETA 5 minutes."

I run to the couch and take the gun."Hey I'm rea-" she stops when I point the gun at her.I hold up the phone and her eyes widen.
"How-why?" I don't even know what to ask.The picture on her phone is old so she couldn't have taken it.
"I received a text from our Pakhan.He send the picture to everyone in the country. If he needs help we give it and get rewarded." She says not looking guilty.

I don't have time for this shit.I walk out the door and run downstairs.I run to the door tothe alleyway where I met her.I open it quickly and run but a black car is already at the end blocking my exit. The other direction is a a dead end but the wall is low.I can make it.

"Saskia,I'll break your legs if you try to move." I feel myself starting to panic.I turn and point the gun at him but he looks amused.
"S-stay a-away." He steps closer and I see more men appear behind him.My hand shakes as he walks closer.I squeeze the trigger but nothing happens.I try again and scream in frustration because it won't fire.

He grabs the hand holding the gun."The safety is on." He takes the gun and starts bending my wrist
"Ahh,stop!" He keeps bending until I hear a snap.I fall to my knees screaming.He broke my wrist.I hear him speaking but I can't make out the words as I scream.He pulls me up by my hair and stares at me.
"I came for you after I gave you time to fucking cool off and this is how you greet me." He yells in my face.
"Let me show you how to really use a gun." He smirks and I plead with him.He let's go of my hair and I back away while holding my aching wrist.

I hear the gun fire and then feel a burning pain in my left leg.I use my good hand to hold my bleeding leg as I cry harder.
"Saskia look at me!" I stare at the wound as I whimper I scream when another shot is fired hitting me in my right arm."please stop." I scream.When he goes to fire again there no more bullets.I stare at the ground as he walks up to me.

He lifts me by my neck in the air and squeezes before a fist connects with my cheek.I groan and I'm about to pass out but he shakes me
"Fucking look at me!" He yells and I look up.I wish I didn't because he looks unhinged.
"I already told you that I'm never letting you go but you still tried.I should kill you." He says as he touches my cheek."But I still want you and you're pregnant with my child.Don't think your punishment is over." He says as he presses his lips to mine.
"Even in pain and crying you still look so beautiful." He says as he sticks his hand in his pocket.I try to struggle when he removes a pocket knife

"Nikolai!" He turns his head to a man dressed in a black suit.Nikolai stares at him angry.
"Viktor I told you to stop me if it looked like I was going to kill her in one of my rage.This is still her punishment." The man steps forward and strares at the both of us.

"You're right proceed." He says without a care.Nikolai turns his gaze back to me and I wish I had passed out from the pain and bleeding.
"Ple-please I-I'm sorry." I rasp out but he smiles.He releases my neck and I fall to the ground hard. I try to crawl away but he pulls me back. He rips the front of the dress and I panic.He grabs my broken wrist and squeeze it making me cry harder.He secures my broken wrists and the arm with the bullet wound above my head.He stares at my bare chest and licks his lips.

My eyes focus on the knife and try to move"If you don't stop moving my work will be sloppy." He says before moving the knife closer.I cry when the sharp tip of the knife pierces the top of my breast.He adds pressure as I feel him carve into the flesh.I stare as dark spots dance around my eyes.
"There now my initials are on you so everyone will know." He runs his hand over the wound before lifting me in his arms.

"We're going home.Your punishment isn't over."

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