Chapter 19

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I'm back! The semester is done thank goodness.I'm trying to get back to my stories.The new chapters might be weak because it's been awhile lol


I lay in shock as the at the devil saying "thank you". He doesn't seem like the type to have any manners whatsoever.I wince from my injuries as he holds me closer. He snuggles into my side careful of my broken hand and I hear his light snores.Today when everyone left my room I wondered how it would have been if I stayed in my boring ass job as I continued to do everything to right so my parents would be proud of me for once.Sure I was unhappy and maybe even depressed that all I worked for wasn't for me but for the everyone else to see this image of the perfect career driven woman but atleast I was safe,my parents were alive and they even acknowledged me .

When I left everything behind I felt free.I stopped thinking of what it would be like to end it all to be free of the stress of being perfect.To not feel lonely and my mind nagging me that I will be alone forever even in a room filled with people.I was never truly happy in my life and even when I was I had no one to really share it with but if I shared those moments  people thought I was trying to take something from them which was absurd. The months  of freedom from my old life was the happiest I've ever been but now I'm held captive by a psycho who might snap and take my life.I felt ashamed the few times it crossed my mind to take my life because it would be easy especially with the doctors being careless with their tools.A part of me couldn't  just willingly give up my life or take another even if it is a child that was forced on to me.

I turn to the window and it's dark outside.I glance down on my chest and Nikolai is still peacefully asleep.If only I had something to stab his ass.Sighing I close my eyes as I take calming breaths to stop my racing thoughts.

I  must have fallen asleep because I feel like I'm being squeezed to death.I open my eyes when I feel Nikolai shaking as he holds me in his death grip.Fuck I can't breathe
"Nikolai." I whisper his name as I touch his shoulder with my good hand.
"Nikolai,wake up." He still isn't budging but he's groaning and his face is twisted in pain.
I say a prayer knowing I'll regret what I'm about to do but I'll pass out from lack of oxygen if I don't.I raise my hand and  slap him on his cheek.

"Ahh!" I scream as he jumps up and hovers over me with his hand wrapped around my neck squeezing.His eyes are glazed over as claw at his hand drawing blood.
"Nik-,Nik." I try to say but his hold is firm
I dig my nail into his hand deeper hoping the pain would snap him out of it.I  kick my legs and flail my arms ignoring the pain in my body but he won't budge.I feel myself loosing consciousness.This is truly it.My vision blurs and as I'm about to pass out the pressure is gone and I feel myself being pulled.
"He made me do it." He whispers and  I feel him shaking but my mind can't process.

I groan from the pain when I swallow and wince at the sunlight coming through the window.My blood runs cold when my eyes focus on Nikolai seated in the center of the bed staring directly at me .His hair is disheveled and he has bags under his eyes.I lay still as I stare at him.He looks more unhinged than usual.What the fuck is wrong with his psycho?
"The maids brought you oatmeal,tea and juice.The doctor checked your neck but will be back today."
He points to the cart and I nod.I move slowly with my crutches while eyeing him and almost fall off the bed but he catches me.I flinch away as if his touch burned.He stares at me angry before his face becomes unreadable.Shit.

We stand in silence as I stare at my toes but I can feel his stare on me.Everything I do gets me hurt by this man.I'm terrified of him.
"Are you going to eat?"
It's a simple question but my ass can't even answer it.I'm becoming a damn coward.He gently lifts my chin to look at him and I stop breathing.Okay he looks calm
"Saskia,the food will get cold the longer you wait."

I nod and my throat aches as I ask him if I can brush my teeth first.He agrees and I slowly make my way to the bathroom as I eye him.I close the door and  sit on the floor taking calming my breaths because of the panic attack I feel coming.I don't know how long it took before I finally get off the floor and look in the mirror.I haven't even healed from his last attack and now my bruised neck.I start my morning hygiene with care knowing the doctors will be stopping by and also to delay going back to the room.I'm shocked he hasn't knocked down the door.
Damn I jinxed myself.Taking calming breaths I walk to the door as he opens it.He's now dressed in a suit instead of his usual T-shirt and jeans.
"Are you done?"
I nod and he takes my hand and leads me to a table set up up in the middle of the room.Its set for one person which means he won't be staying.Good.

He pus my chair out and helps me to sit.I squirm uncomfortable by his stare.
"Always so beautiful." He says as he caresses my cheek and I try not to flinch.
"Is there anything you need to entertain you for the day?"
He asks but I shake my head no.

He bends to my level and rubs his lips against before kissing me slowly.I feel myself shaking as he stares at me.I can never tell what he's thinking and it makes me nervous.His finger tips gently caresses my neck
"This wasn't supposed to happen."
I furrow my brow.Then stop laying your hands on me you bastard.
He sighs and pecks my lips before walking to the door and leaving.

I release a relieved breathe no longer feeling like I'm suffocated by his aurora.I look at the food and I no longer have an appetite. I walk back to bed and lay my head on the pillow as I close my eyes an image of Samuel flashes in my mind.I almost slapped myself.When he asked dif there was anything I wanted I should have asked about Samuel.Im a horrible sister.My parents were right I never did the right things to protect Samuel.

The maids bring lunch after the doctors checked and redress my wounds.They removed my untouched breakfast and seconds later a guard who looks like he could crush a skull with his bare hands walks  in holding a phone.
I stare at it before slowly taking it.
"Why haven't you eaten?" Nikolai's voice booms throught he phone as I hear someone screaming in the background.
"I wasn't hungry." I reply shakily.

"I'm only saying once,eat.Understood."
Knowing I can't win any fight or argument against him I give in.He tells me to be good and he'll be home soon.I hold the phone tight thinking if I can just dial the US embassy maybe I'll be rescued.That plan died when the guard pat his gun challenging me to try what I'm thinking.He extends his hands out for the phone and I slam it against his hand but he doesn't flinch.

I walk over to the table and see that The maids brought creamy tomato soup because of my throat.It tastes delicious.I hum as I eat but stop and groan as my stomach cramps.I try to breathe through it but it's intense.I wipe away the cold sweat and walk with my crutches towards the bed.I feel wetness in my pajama pants and move as fast as I can to the bathroom and lower my pants.My heart drops when I see the red liquid dripping down my leg.

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