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Jin tossed me a pillow and blanket. "You know you can share the bed with me." he said.

I nodded at the couch. "This is fine Besides, it's not the first time I've crashed on your couch."

"Yeah but you've been living the rich life lately." my friend teased.

I scowled. "Don't even go there, teasing or otherwise."

"Got it but you know I didn't mean anything by it."

I sighed. "I know."

"Geez, that guy has done a real number on you, hasn't he? Want me to beat him up? Because I will." He joked, knowing exactly how to get me to lighten up.

I laughed and rolled my eyes at my best friend but then I blew out a breath when everything hit me all over again.

"You know it'll be okay, right?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

All I could do was sigh in response.

"Trust me and you may not feel it now but trust Jimin."

"Trust that everything will work out."

Would it, though?

If I lost the kids, I don't know what I would do.

I shook my head, I didn't even want to think about it.

I closed my eyes and pressed down against my chest, Jin pulled my hand away and held it.

"I feel like you're holding in some anxiety over Jimin."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I shrugged. "It's not even over, Not really." I blew out a breath,

"It's just been a tough night. He wanted me to party with his BFF, you know, get to know him and all? Well, I wanted that, too."

"Didn't go so well?"Jin guessed.

"The guy hates me." I threw up my hands out of frustration.

"I don't know what I ever did to him but he sure acts like I ran over his mom with a dump truck. He was giving me straight up I hope you die in a ditch looks."

"Like I'd stolen his favorite toy or something."

"Like all night, I wanted to scream, what's your deal? Back off, dude." I shook my head.

"It was downright obnoxious the way he was treating me."

"Well, you are stealing his best friend." Jin offered.

"I'm not stealing his best
friend." I shot a look towards Jin.

"Besides, it'd be no different than you and you would never treat Jimin like that."

Jin beamed, "I'm special like that and you're lucky to have me."

"All besties can't be as awesome as I am." I laughed and playfully tossed the pillow at him.

He jumped out of its way, then grabbed it and threw it back to the couch.

"I just don't see how I can get past the way Tae treated me."

"He practically shoved me out the door."

"I swear if I didn't know better, I'd say he had a thing for Jimin."

"He was acting more like a jealous boyfriend than a best friend.."

I moved the pillow to where I'd rest my head and my mind went to seeing Jimin in the house.

"Then when I saw Jimin later, he went all crazy on because I was not home when he thought I should have been."

"Excuse me for being at the hospital with Theo."

"He was worried about you, That's a sweet gesture."

"A good thing, right?"

I glared in Jin's direction. "Who's side are you on?"

"Don't go defending him."

"It won't bode well for you."

Jin laughed. "You don't want me to be Tae towards Jimin but you also don't want me to defend your mate? Come on be real."

"I have to have some sort of voice here, you're on my living room couch and all I know is that Theo had a fever and was rushed to the emergency room and now Hazel is being the bitch she is and coming after your kids You need someone on your side and I totally get that."

"I'm on your side and I think jimin wants to be on your side too but you have to let him."

"You know that, right?"

"I don't and I won't."

Even though my heart wanted to do just that.

Still, there was a part of me that was mad at him for not being with me at the hospital when Hazel took the kids.

I looked away from him, stifling a yawn, then looked up to meet Jin's tilted look towards me.

"I'm exhausted."

"Maybe we can discuss this later."

"As you wish." Jin said. "You know where everything is but holler if you need anything."

I nodded and watched him head to his bedroom.

He stopped at the door and turned to me. "Don't push him away just because you're scared you'll lose him too."

"He's here now, Let him be."

With him disappearing behind his door not giving me a chance for a reply, I fell back onto the couch and stared up at the ceiling.

Was that what I was doing.

Okay, so maybe there was a part of me that feared that I was bringing too much drama and baggage to Jimin's life.

And yeah, I could have maybe not reacted the way I had becos Jin was right.

He was probably worried, not actually upset with me But then and there, I'd been terrified and exhausted.

All my brain could process was that I was about to lose Theo and Aera.

I promised them a safe home and now I wasn't sure I could really provide that And maybe Jimin had caught some shots that should have been aimed at Hazel.

My phone rang and I grabbed it from the coffee table and stared at Jimin's name.

I tossed the phone to the side and covered my face.

Did I even have a right to drag him into my drama?

I couldn't imagine letting Theo and Aera down but that was exactly what would happen if Hazel took me to court and she and her pack won.

That wasn't something I was ready to face.

Not only would it let Theo and Aera down but it was also bound to let Lisa down.

I was at a loss. What could I do?

There was only one thing I really knew and that was that I was going to be doing this all alone and the fact frightened the hell out of me.

But you're not alone, though.

I stared at the phone and all I wanted to do was call Jimin and go to him but this wasn't his problem.

It was mine.


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