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I held on to Jungkook as the slow song played softly over the speakers.

It wasn't difficult to see his mind wasn't with me even though he was right here in my arms.

He was obviously shaken by the harsh words Tae spat at us.

"I'm sorry that this night probably isn't turning out like you wanted it to." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I don't know what his problem is, He isn't usually so rude."

His kind eyes lifted to meet mine as we swayed to the music, wrapped up in each other's arms.

"He clearly doesn't like me."

"That's obvious."

I sighed. "But I don't get it."

"You're a great person and you're my mate, What's not to love?" I stared at him, wrapping my arm around his waist more tightly.

From the other side of the dance floor, Tae was staring at us and his eyes were glazed over in the darkness.

"Maybe he's in a mood."

"Or jealous." I continued.

"Maybe he is jealous but it's not about you having your mate."

Jungkook offered. "He could very easily be jealous because he thinks someone is taking you away from him."

"You know, friends can get very territorial and that may be what's bothering him."

"He doesn't need to worry about that." I argued. "I'm not going to forget he's my best friend."

"I would never do that to him."

"We've been through a lot and I wouldn't abandon him like that."

The more I considered his words, I thought maybe he was really onto something.

Maybe there was a part of Tae that wanted to make sure nothing changed between us.

I supposed in a way, I could understand that.

The song ended and we pulled away from one another.

"I don't want to come between you and your best friend."

"You know that, right?"

"And you won't!" I reassured him.

"But you're my mate and I don't like the way he treated you." I sighed.

"Can you give me a second to talk to him?"

"I'll go grab something to drink." Jungkook said, leaving the dance floor and I watched him all the way to the bar before turning to focus on my friend.

I didn't waste any time heading over to where Tae stood.

He smirked as I approached him. "Decided to do away with your shadow?"

"Didn't think it was possible."

"Why are you calling him that?"

"He did nothing to you and he's my mate."

"Why aren't you happy for me?"

"You can do better, to begin with." Tae started.

"Besides, since when did you start believing in all that fate crap." He shrugged.

"I just feel you're doing a disservice to yourself if you stay with someone just because you think he's your mate."

"Ever thought you might be wrong about that, Cause you might be, you know...." He shrugged again, "Just saying."

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