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"Goodnight Uncle kook."Aera said in her sweet and innocent voice, I hugged her and gave her a kiss.

"Goodnight, Don't let the bed bugs bite." I repeated the old bedtime rhyme her mothers used to say before I placed another soft kiss on her forehead and ran my hand over her pretty blonde hair.

When she turned over on her side, I tucked the blanket around her so that she could snuggle into the covers.

With one last kiss on top of her head, I turned and headed to Theo's bed.

He was already asleep or at least appeared to be. I could hear his soft, rhythmic breathing.

Leaning down to him, I placed a light kiss on his forehead then tucked him in as I had with Aera.

Running my hand over his curly locks, I smiled at his sweet baby face.

As I headed to the door, I heard Aera's little voice call out to me.

"Uncle kook?" I turned to her and smiled, She looked so much like her mom.

"Yes, angel."

"I wuv ew."

Those three words melted my heart. "I love you too Angel."



I turned on the sweet butterfly nightlight that Jimin had gotten for them and stepped into the hallway.

When Jimin came home with that nightlight the first night we were here, it gave me a tiny glimpse into the man he really was.

He didn't want them to be scared of sleeping in a new place.

Pulling the door almost closed, I was met with what I had been yearning for all day.

Blessed silence.

Unfortunately, the silence brought with it the memories tonight as they came crashing back to the forefront of my mind.

I shook my head, just thinking about what awaited me in the living room.

The house was in complete disarray and now it was my responsibility to clean it up.

Jimin's nonchalant attitude over what he had come home to was so confusing.

He didn't even bat an eye at all the destruction around him.

I knew by the look of his condo when we arrived that he preferred a clean palate of color and organization.

The images were terrible in my mind and I couldn't fathom anyone, let alone Jimin just shrugging it off.

But much to my amazement, that was exactly what Jimin had done. It was crazy and utterly amazing at the same time.

Taking in a calming breath, I made my way down the steps and rounded the corner to the living room.

I stopped my forward movement when I spotted Jimin kneeling at the pile of toys in the middle of the floor.

The puzzle pieces before him were scattered everywhere but Jimin was simply collecting those wayward pieces to put the puzzle back together.

The image before me continued to astound me at his reaction to the chaos he'd walked into tonight.

It was just another sign that I had read him all wrong and that Jimin wasn't as cold as I thought he was.

For once, I actually loved that I was wrong and I wanted to know everything there was to know about him.

I didn't realize people could still surprise me but I was glad he kept doing it.

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