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Maxie's Way

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Maxie's Way

Darnell, the captive, and Demo sat quietly as I drove. We were free of the cops, whatever Nene's plan was it sure as hell worked. We kept driving down a street where no one usually drove. Everyone just takes the short cut leaving this one available. Available for us to get a proper answer.

Darnell turned facing the guy on his left, demo on his right. Darnell then held a huge torch lighter up and pressed the button showing off the powerful beam emitting from the hole close to the captive's face.

"The longer it takes for you to tell me where my partna at the longer I hold this flame up to yo face! Now spit."

He froze looking toward me, he anxiously brought his eyes at me with a paused delay of emotion from scared to despair. Seeming worried but waiting for something to happen in my action. I carried a blank expression, what did he expect me to do? Jump in and save him? The car grew silent and I opened my mouth.

"Look, we already know that I'm not a man of kindness. I have no problems hiring some other goons to skin you."

I flicked open a regular lighter and sparked a cigarette.

"That guy your boss has isn't only a friend, but a highly respectable ally. An asset, a piece of armor that I possess. And I cannot allow such prospering opportunity that is his existence to slip through my fingers because I tortured some idiot to death. Either take the deal and tell us where he is or, die a miserable, gruesome, and unforgiving death trying to cater to some chaos, dick riding, maniac."

The car never got any louder after I finished. Taking a hard hit in my cigarette I released the smoke up into the air. I simply nodded and the torch met the captives face.

Nene's & Keith's Way

The police man stopped right outside of the car window then asked for both our ids. Once done I stared to bite my nails.

"Keith, the police are lookin for ya and my red headed friend Pico...tell them that you only know him because you two fucked. Nothing less, nothing more."

He turned in disposition, not really; it was more in confusion but who gave a fuck? He was about to ask another dumb question.

"Well who's interested in Pico and I? Is someone targeting us? Trying to get us arrested?? Ughhh I'm so annoyed right now, I just wanna find him and stop this."

"AND WE WILL KEITH, but right now I need ya to play it cool cause you're makin me lose mine!"

Those were all valid questions, I'm just annoyed that the twerps talkin. I scoffed.

"look, here's our story because the police man are used to me being closely involved but not tied to things. Me, you, and Pico met at the rap corner. Y'all two hit it off, and I'm his side piece. Turns out we're Polly and we all fucked."

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