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It's been a few days since that encounter with that girl. I'm assuming that's his sister, he never said but it's none of my business. Our days have mostly been filled with sleep and quiet. Keith stayed in my bed half of the day while I went to handle business and then the other half would be filled with watching tv Or snugglin up on me. I wasn't mad at what was happenin but it was a little weird, how he was actin. I guess he jus needs time to think about this shit. Right now I was just on the couch. Watchin this boring ass show about some girl that murdered her ex and now she has to get away with it. He came out of the room and I smiled at him. He only showed a small hand gesture back not even a wave just a hand being slightly held up. He was just wearing boxers.

"Good mornin, how you feelin lazy?"

He glared in my direction scoffing. This reaction surprised me, couldn't he see i was making a joke. He started to head back in the room and I got up rushing over to grab his arm. He snatched it away.

"Ayo Keith the fucks the matter with yo ass?!"

He rolled his eyes going over to his side of the dresser. He started to put on some jeans and a shirt.

"You've been laying around for the past three days not talkin to me and shit so start speakin."

Not gon lie, I didn't know what the hell to do right now but this was pissing me off. Did he even care about how I felt?

"I'll just leave Pico. Since I'm such a fucking bother to you."

He grabbed the things he came with, or at least what was left of it. I didn't know what was happening. But he has no where to go, he barely even put his shirt on before walking. Out of the door. I walked out as well following the dude into the parking lot.

"Keith what the fuck do you think you're doing? Get inside! You're gonna get sick."

It was a bit cold out, it was around October and the air was starting to fog up perfect time to get sick. He tried moving the tarp I put on his car and cried out in anger kicking the door.


I just watched him.

"WHAT?! You're only keeping me here because you feel bad don't act like you care."


He stomped in my direction and swung his arms pushing onto my chest only backing me up a little.

"STOP IT! Just shut up! You're not my boyfriend, or my friend, or my family! So stop pretending that you are or something."

He pushed me again not moving me back.

" right. I don't give a FUCK. I don't give a single fukin care about your sad ass life. You're just a dumb bitch who'll probably die without me with you but go if you'd like, I don't give any fucks."

His eyes brows grew into a furrow and he slapped me in my face. I sharply took a breath in holding in my anger. Next he started to punch me in my chest so I gripped both of his arms and slammed him against his car door.

"You need to CHILL. THE FUCK. OUT. You do NOT know what you're doing."

I stated directly into his face. He was crying and he looked like he had finally given up. He even looked away and stopped trying to strain against me. I closed my eyes shut with a big force trying to stop me from cursing or screaming.

"Look you sorry excuse for a roommate. If you're feeling like shit you need to own it and tell someone. Because you got me fucked up by what you said. Of course I care about you if you seriously believe that what I said is how I actually feel then you're sorely mistaken."

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