Detour/Farwell For Now

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"Pico! Please think about this, you can't just drop me off like some dog at the pound."

Pico's face remained the same, continuing to steer the wheel. Once he stopped at a red light he put his hand on my thighs and looked down a bit. Allowing it I crossed my arms. 

"I know you're scared....but please...."

I placed my hand in his.

"Let me do this with you."

He continued to drive.


We sat in silence after a while.

"Where are we going?"


That cold tone carried its way through,

"Pico....I know why this is important but....please, I'll be -"



We both stopped.

Pico's eyes darted to the car over at his left,

"Fuck you! You almost hit me!!!!!"

"Fuck yo life nigga!"

The i of their guy shouted.

Pico got out of the car angrily, his seatbelt hitting the red seats. I tried to reach for his hand. He walked up and pointed.

"So it's my fault that you were too close to me?! There wasn't even anyone else on the road look at the line! Do you think I fuk up when I drive riding in a car like that?!"

The other guy got out, he was way taller than pico.

Looking down at him he lifted his shirt and showed his gun.

My heart fell to my stomach, I started to record the two of them

On my phone.

"You tryna back up for me bitch?"

Pico studied it and showed his, he pushed closer and both their guns clicked. I covered my mouth and bit my lip.

"You don't think I came prepared foo?"

The guy turned over and spotted me.

"Ay the fuck?!"

Pico turned his head and the guy pushed him to the ground. He pointed the gun in my direction and I dropped the phone completely. "No no I'm sorry!"

I froze,

His tall frame towered over the car door, all I could see next was a hand dragging down the already slightly  cracked passengers seat window. He moved stance to look at me on the eyes with his gun pointing at me. I started to cry,

Pico, My Dangerous Boyfriend - (Pico X Bf)Where stories live. Discover now