Battle Scars

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There's three guys pointing guns at this is really happening. I was more worried for Pico though, he was blocking me from their line of vision. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, I could easily pay for everything there.

"Ayo dawg, put my boyfriends shit back up, unless you want me to call bi-"


The guy holding the gun knocked Pico in the head before he could get a sentence out. They started to run and Pico raised his gun trying to shoot one off. I didn't know what I was doing but I moved his arm towards my car and he shot at the bumper instead.

"Pico stop! Please....let's get up and go."

"When I getta hold of those bitches Ima shoem who da fuck they playin wit."

He put one hand to his head that was gushing blood and he was going out to go walk towards the group who ran to their cars but I held him back by pulling his arm.


He looked back to see they were gone and then back at me. He sighed and put his gun away. I must've looked mortified because he pulled me in for a hug.

"I didn't mean for this to happen."

He held my hand and walked me back to his apartment. It was silent but this was comforting. Once we got inside he locked the door and threw his gun on the table. It looked like he had a few locks that were added on now that I look again. He went to the restroom and turned on the light.


He was really angry, I walked inside of the restroom as well and saw just how bad it was. He sighed looking over at me. He then looked back down towards the counter to grab rubbing alcohol.

"No Pico wait, that'll burn"

"Ain't nothing I ain't did before."

I looked over his body back at all his scars. There's definitely no way he didn't have problems with doing it like this before. He opened the bottle and looked at it strongly.

"Pico please....let me do it...I don't want to see you in more pain."

He looked at me again and laughed shaking his head. He grabbed a couple cotton swabs, bandaids, and brought it a long with the alcohol in the living room. And sat on the couch. He put everything on a folding table and closed his eyes.


I looked around for a small towel in his restroom and rinsed it with water and soap. Bring it back out I dabbed it around the scar.

"Sorry bout yellin...again..."

"Hey it's ok..."

I used one of the cotton balls to wipe the excess dirt away. Picking up the healing cream he also brought with him I didn't see.

"I'm sorry bout the car..."

"Hey, that's ok too....nothing too important was in there anyways. I can just fix the windows and replace my stuff."

He grunted and I applied the cream onto his skin. Going down to the alcohol we both paused.

"Come on Keith, let me be sorry."

"uhm....this is gonna burn..."

I carefully placed the cotton swab on the scar and he sucked in sharply.


"Ok, ok...I accept it....the car yeah I'll admit is a problem. Because of the bullet holes. But I can cover the windows...everything is fine-"

As I placed the bandage on he cut me off by pressing a finger onto my lips. He slid his hand down and shushed me.

"Why do ya keep tryin to do that? Ya know be nice to me. I've messed up big time. You should just go."

"What?, wait...I'm not just being nice to you. Plus if my mom finds out I'll be in so much shit.

"Keith, look around you. You coulda died twice today and you still stayin? It's safer from wherever you're from than here bro. Go home. I'll drop ya, I'll get your car repaired so don't worry."

I don't know why but I started to tear up.

"Pico please."

I held onto his body and cried in his chest. He placed both his arms around me hugging back as well. I didn't want to go back, that's the reason I came here in the first all started with my mom.

"KEITH! Where do you think you're going?"

"Mom I'm an adult! I can't keep staying home forever! I'm twenty one! Please let me have my own life."

"Keith you're not responsible. You're not ready to live in your own yet, you just lost your still need healing!"

"NO MOM! You do!.."

Then she slapped me...then she cried...then I took my car,packed all my clothes and i'm here...

"Pico...home may be safer but I'd rather be here..."

He squeezed onto me, once it was over he wiped my eyes.

"Ok, you can stay."

I got so happy I hugged him again, I then kissed him on the cheek and laughed.

"Thankyou! Thankyou so much!"

He turned red when i gave him a small peck on the Cheek. I didn't expect to do it but I sure was embarrassed now.

"Sorry...I know you don't like me like that..and that it was just a one time thing but..."

He kissed me back, he kissed more passionately this time around though. I kissed him back and he made me fall back into the couch. He was on top of me now. He slowly slid his hand under my shirt and started to caress my abs. I moaned when he started to kiss and lick my neck. He started to go lower and unzip my pants.

"Hey Pico you don' don't have to do that..."

"Least I can do for someone who patched me up."

He pulled my dick out of my red tighty Whitties and started to play with it in his hand. Going lower he went to lick it. I shuddered, biting my lip he put the whole thing in. When he went down he sloppily scrapped his teeth against me.


"Oh, I'm sorry Kei!"

"'s ok."

"I've...never done this before..I mean I have just not...I don't know.."

Pico seemed to have freaked out a little and I laughed.

"Hey, it's fine. I could do it to you."

"No, it's ok...really...I'm tired I'm going to bed."

Entering his bathroom again he shut the door and hopped into the shower.

some time went by...we both showered and I was laying on his couch in the dark. The Tv was off,everything was pitch black, and I heard shooting outside. There were distant sounds of trains, and people talking all around. Today was my first day out all by myself. And I couldn't sleep.

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