Under The Covers

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I don't want him to be here. I don't want him to get hurt, if he woulda got shot I don't know how I would feel about that. I don't know why I care so much, I just met the guy and I already can't stop thinkin boutem. Squeezing onto my pillow in this dark room, the same dark room I've always been in. I should be on high alert but I already called my partna so I'm green. I wonder what Keith is doin right now. I shouldna left him on da couch by himself. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. I needed to sleep so I could try and figure out what I was gonna do next. I stared into the dark abyss of my room. My eyes felt like it was goin through a fukin trance just by staring into the dark. It felt all swirly. If I couldn sleep I would always do this. Of course that was soon ruined....well....I guess you can say improved. Keith was at the door. He was wearing nothing but some blue boxer breifs I lended him. His suitcase got stolen from his car, and he didn have anything else to wear so I guess I'd be supplyin his clothes for now on. He looked really cute with it on. But I wonder what he was doing here. Part of me wanted him to get in bed with me but that sounds childish...Plus, why would he? Did he really feel safe around me?


He waved at me, that was the cutest shit ever, it made me grin a little bit. I decided to do the same and wave back.


"So, I don't....Can I sleep with you?"

Wait he wants to sleep with me?! I looked surprised and thought this had to be some sort of illusion.

"N..Not like that! I mean....If...you want..."

He looked away from me and pulled at the line of his underwear to make it drop lower. he didn't pull them all the way down but it seemed like he was going to. I moved the covers and patted a spot for him in the bed.

"Hey, it's fine blue balls jus come on."

He laughed at the joke and walked over getting in. At first he stayed silent and looked up at the ceiling almost stiff. I was on my right side looking directly at him. In the fetal position of course, the most comfortable. It seemed like he was scared to touch me. Or do anything. Like he wanted to walk away. I slid my hand to his and held it.

"Do you feel like you have to suck me off to like you?"

"W..what? N..no..I don't..."

I interlaced our fingers and he lightly squeezed onto my hand.

"I just don't know how to repay you is all....You protected me from those guys and gave me a place to stay. I was....only living in my car before this...."

My eyebrows furrowed but I proceeded to let him finish.

"I uhm....I guess....I appreciate it. And yeah I don't like when you yell but you did apologize....And i could tell you meant it. My mom never did that. She would just feel guilty and then say sorry and then continue....I mean so have you, but you have a reason to be mad."

"Nah Keith, sounds like ya makin excuses for me. I shouldn't have to keep saying sorry to you. I should just learn to be a nicer person, a more patient person. But yeah...I'm sorry. I really hope you understand that I won't hurt you."

He laughed and turned over to me.


We stayed quiet for a few minutes and all we did was hold hands. I kept playing with his fingers and he kept playing with mine.

"How bout this Kei. You stay with me, and we can live together for the time being...Not forever of course because it's dangerous out here. But Yeah....You would be havin a place to stay and I......Yeah how about that?"

Fuck. What am I thinking. He definitely knew what i was gonna say.

"And you can have someone that pulls you back down to earth."

"Yeah!...Honestly I'm glad you pulled me away from those dudes. They're not worth it. Thank you."

I tugged at my black boxer briefs, they were gettin all bunched up and it felt a lil uncomfortable. I sighed heavily as well. The ambiance of the hood was surprisingly quiet now. It felt like it was jus the two of us....Ugh...That shit sounds gay as fuck. I'm just glad it flew over his head though. I don't want him to know how I really feel. Lonely.

"Did you really mean it when you called me your boyfriend?"

Ah shit, i thought he would forget about that.

"Obviously not, I jus said that so you would be safe. if they knew I had a new dime piece they'd leave us alone. They'd leave you alone.

It got quiet again and I decided to turn back over.

"I'm goin to bed. Goodnight."

Hopefully that would end this conversation. I really didn't want to get inta that. He didn't say goodnight back, maybe I should turn back around? Maybe I should kiss him? Hold him? I don't know...He ins't a baby.....But out here he was. This is stupid as fuck, why can't I just let the boy be? I closed my eyes and tried to drift away.

"Would you....be my boyfriend?"

My eyes shot back open but I decided to stay quiet and pretend to be asleep.

"Do you think you could have the patience to date me? I've never had a boyfriend before... I feel like I would be exhausting to handle...Like I would be annoying. I'm so needy and confused... You're probably sleep..."

He yawned and got quiet again. Why was he sayin all of this?

"Can...I hold onto you?"

My face felt hot. My feet curled up, I didn't want to ignore him. I wanted to feel him too. But then he'd know I was listening.

"Goodnight Pic-"

"Yeah...You can...hold onto me."

He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my body. It was warm. His leg was on mine and his....Dick was on my ass haha... I found it funny yet comfortin. I backed up onto him and gripped onto his arms tighter. I felt him burry his face into the back of my neck and I made a noise because it tingled. This felt nice. I would hope this would never stop. And just like that, I was already feeling tired. I couldn't believe that this was helping me sleep.

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