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My back touched the warm metal as I continued to sit there and cry pathetically in Pico's arms. I felt as though everything was lost, because honestly it was, I don't know why I make the most
stupid decisions.

"You know you have to talk to her, right?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from him, I mean sure he was right but I didn't think he would want to stick around anyone could've saw my reckless behavior.
A palm was now resting on my cheek as he pulled me to look in his direction.

"It's ok Keith, I'm here for you. And I get you, you got issues. But so does she, and ya'll got shit to work out right now. What you just did wasn't ok, I think you know that."

I shook my head
"I can't.."

He grunted, standing tall I could feel the disappointment in him.

"I know you can't, but WE can. I WILL be be your side, you don gotta worry bout anything around me. I already told you that."

I got up from the ground and even though I really didn't want to do this I started to walk towards Katie's exit.
She walked past the store we were in and made a right, Peeking around the corner I see her shakily crying to herself.


She gasped, even jumping a bit when seeing me.

"W...what are you doing?"

She sounded scared and I started to tear up.

"I'm just like dad."

The tears felt to heavy, I let them go and planted my face into my own hands and let it out.
I heard footsteps dash across the pavement.

"'re not. Don't you ever say that about yourself!"

"What? But I-"

"Yeah but...I know you'd never hurt me, that's the difference. Yes you scared the shit out of me but...Even though you had it.
I know you'd never live with yourself if you put even a single scratch on me."

I raised my head, Pico was waiting just on the edge of the building with his eyes closed, his back was hitting the brick.
He was there, but he was giving me space. Suddenly he raised a thumbs up at me. I faced Katie again and wiped my face.

"I'm so sorry Katie."

"I forgive you, do know...I still have to tell mom I saw you. You don't see her like I do."

My mouth was going to move but ultimately it didn't.
I couldn't expect her to keep quiet about seeing me.

"She keeps calling the police to search for you but they always say they can't because you're an adult."

She looked off to the side and I opened my arms.
Katie faced me again and walked into me hugging me back.

"I never asked you holding up...about dad?"

She took a moment to answer but...

"It's so hard, but I know he would want me to keep going without him.
And...I'm sorry that I blew up on you about that. I just miss him is all, I can't relate to the way he treated you."

"Well it's wrong of me to expect that from you, you were too young to remember. I'm glad you can hold onto good memories
of him though, I don't want to ruin that for you."

She let go and looked at me with a smile.

"Ok, I know I always call you gay boy but I didn't think you were actually a gay boy."

"Ha ha..The term is Bisexual, and uhm....PLEASE don't tell mom that. I don't think we're ready to start THAT conversation."

She laughed at me.

"Yeah you're right, but speaking of. Where is the scary red head anyways? He was kinda hot."

Pico made himself present and smiled warmly at her.
Woah he almost looked approachable.

"I'm Pico, It is very nice to meet you katie, and I apologize for earlier as well. I promise that Keith is safe with me we were just out shopping is all."

She stayed quiet for a bit looking between the both of us and sighed.

"Yeah, but you two kind of owe me dinner after putting me through all that trouble."


Pico put his hand up and I stopped.
He kept that same smile and looked around the area.

"Well we are in the area, we might as well get something. I mean to be fair we didn't grab any breakfast yet."

Katie, the shorter one of all of us walked past me and pointed at a chicken wings place.

"Let's go there, we can eat some wings and scadaddle."

We all agreed and we were off.
Although this started in chaos, everything turned out alright. Pico was happy, I was happy, and so was katie. It felt good hanging out and laughing with her after so much ignoring.
That's all we did, my mom kept pestering everyone, katie didn't speak to anyone, and my oldest sister. She was the worst.

But not all things last forever and we found ourselves at a halt.
We were outside the wingshop and about to say our goodbyes.

"Those wings were so spicy!"

"Nah keith you're just a baby."

She look at me, her smile fading away.
She tried to keep seeming like she was happy but I could tell it wasn't working.

"When...Are we going to see you again?"

I gripped my to go bag tighter...

"I don't know."

She gave me another quick hug before dashing down the sidewalk.

"See you later Keith! I'll text you soon so stay alert bro."

I waved at her and she turned the corner, there she went. She was gone until...
Well I didn't know, but at least things with her were good for now from the looks of it. And for some reason...I still wanted to cry my eyes out.

"Well Keith looks like that's settled, ugh my back hurt-"

I found myself completely holding on to Pico, my face was burried into his neck.
I didn't want to move. He turned over and returned it, wiping my eyes in the process. I soon opened them to see a face full of concern.
His arm moved towards the end of my face and he lifted it up. I really appreciate him being here, if he wasn't I probably would have never gained
that random spark of courage to talk to her. Why is this so confusing, and so tempting. I just met this guy, I had no reason to trust him at all.
I could've died yesterday and I'm still with him. Anything could happen, what if he completely lost feelings for me and chucked me aside?
I don't think he would but I wouldn't know that. So as he held onto my chin and leaned in I did the same thinking about all the things we've told each other.
This is definitely not normal....But he's helping me and he cares!

His lips were soft and he smelt like an expensive cologne.
Every part of him was desirable. Sure I could just think he's hot, but I kind of want him to be my boyfriend.
most likely due to my overwhelming emotions but he genuinely does seem like a good guy.

Whatever this turns in to I've decided to stop thinking about it and just enjoy this moment.

Pico, My Dangerous Boyfriend - (Pico X Bf)Where stories live. Discover now