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We finally hit the street the store was supposed to be on, everything looked so colorful and new. I cringed at the lack of culture here. When we parked, I took my uzi out of the backseat.


"I never leave house without my piece. And chill, I'm leavin this in the car. Trust me I know the minute I leave this car and they see it it's all 'Oh no! Oh my golly gosh! He has a g-g-g GUN!'"

I did my best impression of what a 'proper' speaking person sounded like and Keith looked both unamused and amused.

"Come on...that was funny."

He jokingly rolled his eyes at me and I laughed.
Was he embarrassed of me? No...He was probably just uncomfortable.

What are we.

How the fuck would I know? Ugh, I turned towards the door of my car and opened it stepping out. looking over at Keith he made a weird face at me and I made one back.
Cringing at him I decided to look away then back thinking he was looking behind me and not at me but then he did the same.

"Uh, what the fuck was that?"

"Ha ha...I...dunno.....I was just kidding."

He faced the store and then started to run ahead.

"Come on Pico we're gonna miss out.

What was happening...

I sighed and walked into the store, the cold air hit me and I crossed my arms to keep warm. Looking around me the store was crowded as fuck
I didn like that, and I think Keith could tell cause he was lookin at me with this weird blank face. He tried to play it off and look at the items on the rack but
I decided to ignore it.

Why was it like this.

Finally paying attention to my surroundings I see that he lead me to a dressing room, he goes in
and motions me forward. I go inside and he closes the door locking it.

"Pico, look....If you-"

"I know what you're gonna say, I'm sorry....It's just that, that question hit me wrong. I mean, I don't know what we are, it's uncomfortable to be honest."

"It is?"

I stopped talking and he looked almost hurt in a sense.

"No, not like that...not in a bad way.."

"Well, I wasn't going to talk about that."


"I was going to talk about how you're acting, you're scaring me...and yeah... if you're...uncomfortable we don't have to act like anything."

He started to scratch his head.

"We can act like how ever we want when we want, because I don't mind what we do or how you treat me.
Because you're good to me..You've been so nice and it's making me feel.....Look I appreciate you, and yeah we're
moving fast like It's been a night. I feel like I can trust you."

He moved closer but only a little.
I peered down at him, eyes wide. He's just like...

I clasped my hand over my mouth before letting go and addressing him.

"Really?...I didn't think you-"

"What will it be now?"

I paused and realized what he meant.

I couldn't stop seeing them in him, I thought this would be easier.
I slowly placed my hand in his and he took it smoothly. Happily coming up to kiss me, this was shocking.

Pico, My Dangerous Boyfriend - (Pico X Bf)Where stories live. Discover now