Watch Your Back

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Angela Point Of View;
In between sleep and wake I heard my door creaking open and then giggling erupted. It doesn't sound like Misty or Adrian but like a little girl. I wasn't aware of any other child in the house but maybe if she sees me sleeping she'll go away. I don't know how long I've been asleep but for the first time in my life, I felt bad that I wasn't at my house. At least no one would bother to wake me there around the summertime.

The giggling got closer and then I heard a thud on my bed. That meant the girl had jumped on it. I couldn't pretend that I was sleeping anymore or who knows what she'll do. But before I could open my eyes, small hands covered mine with a familiar childish voice that I recognized saying, "Guess who?"

"Camella!" I exclaimed. That was when she uncovered my eyes and I turned around only to have her hugging me.

I guess if I wasn't a hugger before; I am now since everyone else seems to be. It's still uncomfortable but I think I'm getting used to the way they express themselves. Then she let me go and I could rub the remaining sleep in my eyes to see clearly. She was wearing bright pink overalls with a teal blue shirt. She had matching pink socks and white sneakers I only saw as she kicked her foot backward and forwards as she laid on her stomach next to me.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get here?" I asked getting out from under the covers. But before she could answer Misty burst into my room along with Austin.

"Surprise! This was totally my idea," Misty said as he appeared first.

"Well obviously, I've never seen this girl in my entire life," Austin said coming in behind him.

They both walked in dressed in the strangest way I've ever seen them. They both looked like they had some sort of makeup on and dressed like characters. Misty wore a black suit that reminded me of a Samurai warrior. The outfit had chains all over it also and he even had what looked like a sword behind his back. I didn't know if it was real or not but what really surprised me was that his hair was black. That was probably the most normal thing about him at the moment.

Austin did something really weird to his normally brown hair. It was mostly blond but green at the ends. He somehow got it actually stood up so straight that even if his head moved, his hair wouldn't. Only two thick strand-like fell in his face. His clothes looked like he made them himself from sackcloth in an almost monk-like fashion. I couldn't really describe it but the style gave off a feeling like it was like a caveman but I recognized Einstein's equation on it.

"Ok, so um did you guys pick her up on your way... to a costume party?" I asked unsurely because Camella wasn't dressed that way at all.

"A party? It was a costume competition," Misty answered as he came near the bed and sat at the end.

"That I won," Austin added.

"But only because I didn't get my costume delivered in time for it," Misty said facing him.

"Save your excuses, I won and that's all that matters. Right Angela," Austin said coming over to meet me at the opposite where I stood by the bed. I didn't know what to say in response except just stare at him blankly for a few seconds.

"See, she hesitated which means she's obviously on my side," Misty took the opportunity to say proudly.

"Or she could just be not trying to hurt your feelings since your cousins and all," Austin snapped back cheekily. I felt that this was going to turn into a competition on who could get the upper hand on each other.

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