Rescue The Rescuer

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Angela's Point Of View;
That was my first real battle but somehow I managed to get the best of them. Of course, they were not easy to take down. In fact, they already seemed to be recovering. I had hoped that they were as tired as me but they have much more stamina. I didn't want to stick around here any longer cause if they started back up I have already used all of the tricks I know. So I gather the little strength I had left and ran out of the shed with the hope that Misty and Camella managed to contact someone.

As I went a short distance into the forest I realized that I had no idea where I was going. I didn't see how we even got to the shed in the first place because of my poor eyesight and the fog. Then I thought that if I climbed up a tall tree, I would be able to get a better view so I could figure out where I should go. As I followed through on that thought and got halfway up the tree I turned back to me again.

What terrible timing! Ugh! Well, it's better to be high than low right?

Misty's POV;
Camella's father and my uncle met us on the dock. We came off the ship that we used for the radio so they would see us more easily. I guess Uncle wasn't kidding about contacting the police since the entire police squad seem to have followed on boats. Even helicopters with searchlights came. It was now early morning and the sky was beginning to wake. All of that bought some relief to me cause I knew now we have a sure chance of finding Angela.

I ran to meet Uncle with Camella doing the same going towards her father. He was overjoyed at seeing her and Uncle was really happy to see me. But I know we both couldn't be at ease until we hear from Angela. Both of us went over to where the policewoman was to make sure they knew that Angela was still out there.

 Both of us went over to where the policewoman was to make sure they knew that Angela was still out there

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She looked familiar but I couldn't place where I had seen her before. But maybe her familiarity was the reason the police squad was able to get here so fast. Uncle always managed to have connections with people in high places. So maybe it was a function he had taken me to a time when we met. The name on her badge was Karla Roves and she was the Chief. The name now clicked and I remembered who she was. But I had no idea she was an officer now. 

"A search party is in the woods, so far all that was reported is that they found a cabin with some notorious criminal types in it. But we will continue the search," she said to us.

"Officer, I want to help find her cause she saved my daughter's life. If she's not in the cabin I told you about then I don't know where." Camella's dad responded.

"Let's not jump to any conclusions just yet Mr. Willows. In the meantime, I'm going to need you all to give a report of events that have taken place. Possible a medical checkup for the children also." Chief Roves answered him.

Her Life Became MineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin