Sea Master

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Angela's Point Of View;
That request from him was even more confusing. As the adult here, wasn't he the one responsible for Misty?  "How am I supposed to help him? I can't even swim," I asked.

He obviously ignored what I said as he pleaded. "Please Angela, you do it all the time. Why else will you have the power to control the water?"

He sounded just as delusional as his nephew. "I- what?! No, I don't!" I responded.

But he still insisted, "Yes you do and you need to do it now. He's been under the water for way too long."

Fear was clearly written in the man's eyes as he stared at me. A feeling of discomfort built inside me as he faced me. I turned away instinctively only to face my reflection in the water. That was when I realized that I didn't recognize my reflection. I saw a muscular, tall brown-skinned girl with blue hair. The only similar thing that linked me to my own self was that we both had the same skin tone.

How these clothes got on me was a mystery. They were very different from what I was wearing just a few moments ago. It was a short sleeve blouse and dark blue tights.
I had no clue how such a thing happen. Since Misty didn't seem to resurface back up to the surface so I went against my better judgment. I took a deep breath and dove into the water. I guess was repayment for saving me from drowning earlier.

When I opened my eyes it was surprising to me that it felt natural to be underwater. I looked around for Misty right away. When I saw him I gasped. He was being pulled deeper under the water. I panicked a little because I gasped and I expected that I might have started to drown. But I didn't. Instead, I realized that I could actually breathe down here. Even more curious to me was that I wasn't wearing my glasses that I lost when I was pushed off the bridge and yet I could see. My eyesight had improved drastically.

But I have to refocus on the task at hand. I continued to look in Misty's direction and saw that it was a whale shark instead of the kingfish we thought it to be. It was dragging him along deeper as if he were a rag doll. I had to swim down to where Misty was going. I had never swam before so getting into the right form was a little different. But as I was trying to dive deeper it felt like I was being pushed forward. It increased my speed and power as I sliced through the water with ease.

I knew my first priority is to free Misty so he could go back up to get air. I had to do it quickly because the deeper we go the more dense the water pressure becomes. When I got to him even though the fishing line was strong, I was stronger. It snapped when I pulled against it freeing Misty in the process. I put his arm around my shoulder as I swam up with him. He seemed to be losing consciousness. I knew he couldn't hold his breath for much longer but that wasn't the only problem. Somehow the whale shark noticed he didn't have a meal anymore and circled back.

It was swimming up to us at full power. It also seemed very agitated as its jaw opened coming toward us. Noticing this I used my strength to push Misty through to the water sending him up to the surface. As I did that I saw the water ripples come together to send Misty up and out of the ocean. I'm not sure how hard I pushed him since he was sent straight up out of my sight. I didn't have time to dwell on it. The shark did close its mouth upon seeing that it was now only me but he kept up his momentum. I realized instead of being eaten I now had to try to brace myself for the impact of the shark's hit.

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