Reunion (part 4)

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Misty's Point Of View;
Angela had left us and diverted the whole search party to her. She may not be our Angela but she doesn't need to be. Austin and I came out from under the bed but stayed in the room. I searched through the tablet looking for a clue. All I found were stuff I already knew about Angela's transformations. But then I came across a recently updated page. I knew the language but it had been years since I'd seen it. It was new instructions about the bracelet. Omg! Did she really figure out how to do that?

Austin was reading over my shoulder to the point where I can hear him muttering the words. Usually, that would annoy me but I was surprised that he even knew how to read this. He was also astonished to know what Angela had engineered the bracelet to do.

"Wow! She's a genius just like her parents. She must have spent months in research alone just to figure out the physics involved in this. And even more to engineer it."

"She never told me she was working on something this big! She must have told someone! Uncle still oversees her finances and the materials needed for this weren't cheap. He would have definitely given her the financial talk and then make her return all of it," I said as I saw the plans and mixtures of alloy metals that need to come together and fit small enough to be added to the bracelet.

"Misty this stuff can't just be bought. They have to be made and from the plans these are the original research. It wouldn't be hard for Angela to get a scientist to sponsor her research. Her parent's reputation could of influence that," Austin explained, and for once he made sense so I had to agree with him.

"Then that means someone must have known that she was planning to expand the bracelet's capability," I said while scrolling further and saw what looked like a phone number typed in the last note and passage.

I took out my phone to make the call and the thought came to mind that if anyone knew about the plans she made could be why she was targeted. The person answered and I recognized the voice I heard on the other side of the phone. It was not at all who I was expecting it to be, "Detective Goodfield!"

Angela's Point Of View;
Fire is not the most inconspicuous element but it got the job done. It was the only form of defense I had with the weapons they used against me. I must have managed to run into every single one of those guards while looking for the backyard. I ran, ducked, slid, and possibly did every gymnastic move to avoid getting shot.

I didn't want to hurt anyone unnecessarily but they were not thinking the same way about me. There seemed to be an unending number of them. So I aimed the flames at their guns and the heat caused it to melt and burst into flames making them let go of it in pain. Let's just say that their hands were an unfortunate causality in this situation. But what else could I have done? That wasn't enough since some of them were still well enough to do hand-to-hand combat. Well, this wasn't the first time and I think I was better at handling it now.

Some of them were skilled in using knives even though their hands were burned from when I used fire to melt their weapons. I had a few close calls with them and anything I could get my hands on to use as a shield. Aunt Sung's house is a mess cause they ripped and stabbed most of her paintings and cushions. I even threw some of the vases and heavy books at them. I did it with such force that it even managed to cause injury to them where they couldn't get up to move. I just hope all of these things were insured assuming that exists here.

After that, I left those who were now out cold and somehow made it to the hall. I saw most of the guests face down at their tables with the exception of 3 security guards and Aunt Sung. They seem to be robbing some of the guests with Aunt Sung was gagged and tied to a chair on stage. I hoped that these were the last three because I was tired from all the fights on the way here.

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