Escape Plan (part 1)

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Angela's Point Of View;
I was carried to a chamber under the deck of the boat and then thrown into a holding area where Misty was. He was tied to something that I could only make out as a metal pipe by hearing him struggle with the chain. The man who bought me in here waited for the other man to come in. And one who continued to hold me forced my hand out while the other tried to take off my bracelet. No matter how I struggled he was much more powerful than me. But the bracelet wouldn't budge. It was as if somehow the bracelet felt like it had gotten a thousand times tighter on my wrist. It didn't hurt me but the large man pulling on my wrist would have dislocated my shoulder but instead, I heard him give out a cry of pain. 

Then I smelt something burning and the man was holding his hand as it shook. "So this is why we were told not to move the bracelet this way," Was the response of the guy holding me to the other man.

"Just tie her up if we can't break it off her hand well need to try other means when we get to the other side of the lake." The man who yelled out in pain replied. I didn't really know what that meant but at the moment I was just glad that they both gave up pulling harder or my wrist might of broken.

"You two won't get away with this! Our uncle knows we're on your boat and will come looking for us! This isn't the first time we faced morons like you," Misty said as he stopped struggling with his chain.

This might be a regular thing for him and the Angela of this world but I was a complete noob. I really do hope his uncle could come and get us because I don't really know what to do here. The man who had tried to take my bracelet now tied me similar to what he had done to Misty. He struggled a little as his hand seemed injured.

"Correction boy, your uncle knows you are on 'a' boat. Gag them, we'll put them with the other brat and get it all done clean" He said as he took my phone. I didn't like the sound of that statement at all. 

"So what are you.... going to do with us?" I still asked but with hesitation.

"Well after all of your experience in these things, you still have to ask."The other man who was holding me steady for the guy let go and answered.

With that, they both left; Yikes! This Angela may have had everything I wanted materially but her life really had some high stakes. How are we going to get out of this one? I looked at Misty who was unusually still. I couldn't tell if he was trying to be calm or if he was absolutely terrified.

"I know the only reason you're letting us stay here is that you want to save the guy's daughter. I heard them talking about it before you came back. You know I'll follow you to the end," Misty said as he sighed loudly and then looked straight at me.

At that moment I could tell he wasn't just Angela's cousin but her ride-or-die pal. But I wasn't who he thought I was. "Trust me right now we'd be better off if you were using the bracelet."

"I'm not talking about you having the bracelet. That doesn't make you a hero, though it helps but you as a person are naturally caring and help others just cause it's right. That bracelet just lets you take it to another level," Misty smiled and said.

I simply nodded at his statement; Misty has so much faith in this girl, she must have been something special. Can someone like me really fill her shoes? I kept these thoughts to myself as the boat felt like it picked up speed. Who knows where they were taking us? The lake was huge from what I saw.

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