Day 140: Afternoon Tea

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Abigail still had hold of your hand as she skipped and spun herself around. You adored the little girl, never thinking about having younger siblings or even children of your own. After the who thing with Nancy, well it seemed too real. You didn't want to rush anything but imagining a little Eddie was enjoyable.

A little puff of curls running about pretending to rock on a guitar or slay dragons. The very thought had a permanent smile stuck on your face.

Mrs Emerson brought you out to the backyard, we could see the boys in the garage. Eddie was head banging along with something, you assumed it must be a cassette. I looked at Abigail and she made a gross face, "too loud and too stupid" she signed. It made me smile and I just shrugged.

She smiled, when she laughed her whole body shook, it was like she was filled with more joy than a normal little girl. I adored her.

I looked over and they were watching us now, I waved and Eddie smiled and started to jump up and down. I looked back at Mrs. Emerson, "they want to put on a show while we have tea." She signed as she rolled her eyes then showed me the table she set up. It was a vision, you didn't know what you were expecting but this made you smile.

The wooden table had some flannel place-mats, along with normal tea cups, you were expecting delicate ones, bread and jams, cookies and milk. You jumped a bit and then got embarrassed. Abigail then smiled, "isn't it wonderful." She signed.

I nodded my head ecstatically.

That's when I felt Eddie's arm around my shoulders as he snagged some bread swooping it through the jam and giving me another kiss on lips as he ran back. I watched what looked like a shoe fly after him, turning to Mrs. Emerson who was shouting and back to Eddie who has jam almost ear to ear as he smirked close lipped like a child himself.

She motioned for me to sit and as soon as I chose a chair, Abigail was in the one next to me. She started to eat her bread and jam, being just as messy and endearing as Eddie.

Mrs. Emerson smiled and took a breath, "I heard about you and Eddie. Are you excited for after graduation?" She signed and spoke, Abigail jumped up and started in, "you are going to be so pretty! Are you going to wear a long dress or "

"That's enough Abigail. We need to sit and be polite company." Mrs Emerson winked and signed to the two of us. She turned back to the table and sat up straight, taking her tea cup and sticking her pinkie up. I could tell that this tea was more for Abigail then myself and I wouldn't have it any other way.

 I could tell that this tea was more for Abigail then myself and I wouldn't have it any other way

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The afternoon was filled with conversation and stories. It was the first time in a while that I enjoyed an afternoon so much. Abigail danced to the boys playing and Mrs. Emerson laughed and enjoyed the rest of us. At some point Abigail fell asleep in my lap and Gareth had come over to kiss his mom, scooping Abigail up to take her inside.

Eddie motioned that he needed to use the restroom. It was quite the gesture and it made Gareth almost drop Abigail laughing.

When they left and it was just the two of us I noticed Mrs. Emerson shift into a more calm mood. She looked at me and hesitated with her next motion, "Sarah. Do you have someone to walk you down the aisle?"

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