That's The Whole Point.

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"I love you so so much, as you said. You and I till the end of the line, so if you're going down. We're going down together." Rooster's voice lingered in my brain as I slowly started to gain consciousness. Feeling the cool, soft snow under me. I blinked heavily, as all my senses kicked back in.

Slowly lifting my head, I realised my mask was still on; I took it off as my eyes widened. Noticing an enemy helicopter come around the trees, I rushed to my feet as they aimed their weapons onto me.

"Holy shit." I muttered to myself. Trying to run off, I tripped over my bag. Unclipping myself, I took off into a sprint. My feet sinking into the snow, giving the same affect as trying to run in sand. They released fire, jumping over a fallen over tree trunk. Covering my face from bits of snow and trunk being flung at my face, the ammo stopped as I rolled over getting to my feet as I heard the helicopter make a move. My heart stopped as I watched them come around a bunch of trees, re aiming at me. Watching the barrels start to spin, I took in a long breath. Saying to myself. "I love you Bradley."

In an instant flinch, the helicopter exploded into a puff of smoke and fire. Watching as an F-18 emerged from the smoke and fire, my eyes locked onto the pilot as their eyes landed on me. "Oh no... rooster." I looked behind him, seeing a SAM missile head straight for the back of him. My heart dropped, he didn't flinch. I knew his only concern was me, making sure I was still alive after I took the hit. I jumped in my skin as I watched the missile hit, I waited till I spotted a parachute. Sighing in relief, watching him come down. I jumped over the tree trunk, taking off into a full sprint towards where he would land. Running life my life depended on it, I spotted Bradley tucking his parachute into the snow to hide it. "You alright?!" I called out to him, his head snapped towards me. He smiled at the sight of me as he stood up.

"Yeah, I'm good. You alright?" He asked in return. Coming in full force towards him, I used all my strength to shove him. Making him fall backwards onto the snow hard, he looked at me with disbelief. Taking our helmets off as we both threw them beside us. "What the hell?!" Bradley yelled at me as he got back to his feet.

"What are you doing here?!" I questioned loudly.

"What am I doing here?!" Rooster raised an eyebrow at me.

"You think I took that missile so you could be down here with me? You should be back on the carrier by now!" I stressed my emotion towards him.

"I saved your life!" He exclaimed.

"I saved your life... that's the whole point. What the hell were you even thinking?" I lowered my voice, knowing we would continue this as a screaming match if we really wanted to.

"You told me not to think... but when I did think, my mind was only on the factor that I couldn't live with you gone." I went quiet, rooster rose his eyebrows at me. Throwing his arms up in a well? You going to reply? Way. I let out a heavy long breath, catching my breath from my sprint. I placed my hands on my knees.

"Well." I begun, standing up straight again. "It's good to see you Roost, I love you... you big idiot." Rooster placed his hands on his hips, giving me a little nod.

"It's good to see you too, I love you too. So?... What's the plan?"

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