A Disagreement of Lover and Father.

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In the main function room of the base, Rooster sat with himself and his thoughts. Waiting on an update of his dear future wife, his heart and brain battled it out together. Making himself think multiple things at once.

"I'm not prepared to lose anyone again, I can't. Dad, if you can hear me. Please... I can't lose the one person I care about, she means to much to me. Please look after her." Rooster spoke softly to himself and his father watching over him, Rooster could only fiddle with his fingers in the moment. Hearing foot steps enter the room, Rooster looked to the door way. Hoping for it to be Falcon, but instead stood Maverick.

"She's ok, they are going to discharge her in the morning. They just want to keep her in for observation." Maverick updated his future son in law, Maverick watched the relief wash over Rooster.

"That's good." Rooster sighed heavily, his whole being shaky. "I can't lose her."

"Me neither." Maverick replied, looking down at his hands aswell, just as Maverick started to walk out the room. Rooster spoke up.

"Bullshit!" He yelled as he got to his feet. "You don't care about anyone else, but yourself." Maverick stopped in his tracks. "You didn't care about Falcon till you found out she was your daughter, so you think now you can start playing Daddy to her? You never cared about me!"

"Go home, go get some sleep." Maverick took a step.

"Why did you pull my papers from the academy?! Why did you stand in my way?!" Rooster spat, rooster had so much emotion running through him. He was worried about his fiancée, that was what was eating him the most.

"You weren't ready." Maverick stated, slowly turning to face Rooster.

"Ready for what? Huh?" Rooster walked up to Maverick, chest puffed out. "Ready to fly like you? Your daughter flys like you, that's a definite. She's the best we have, you going to throw her out cause of what happened?"

"No. Ready to forget the book, trust your instincts. Don't think, just do. That's what Falcon already knows, she even said that to me before when I checked on her. She did that up there. You think up there, you're dead. Believe me." Maverick speeched to Rooster, his heart skipped a beat. Watching Roosters facial expression drop.

"My dad believed in you, I'm not going to make the same mistake. And god, I'll make sure Falcon doesn't make the same mistake."

Across the base, where Falcon rested from her day on demand of the nurses who were amused on finding out the news of Falcon being Mavericks daughter. They laughed as Falcon continued to not listen to orders to rest.

"Aria, you need to rest." The nurse laughed at me.

"I'm fine!" I smiled at her.

"I'll give you drugs to make you sleep." She placed her hands on her hips.

"Aria." Admiral Bates entered the room, automatically making me sit still. The nurse laughed as she left the room to give Admiral Bates and i privacy.

"Sir." I saluted.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned.

"Good." I smiled at him, noticing a letter in his hands. "Don't tell me you're getting rid of me." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, Lieutenant Blackwood. This is a letter from Iceman." He passed it to me, seeing sorrow in his eyes. I looked at him confused. "Rest up." Watching him leave, my head dropped down to the letter. Opening up, my heart dropped as I begun to read it.

My dearest Aria,
If you are reading this. I have passed.

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