Head Filled With Thoughts.

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What would you do? What would you do, if your birth father came out of the blue. With document proof that you were his, a man you imagined as a scum bag. A man that never wanted you, but in reality. He dreamed of a life where he could've been there to raise his daughter.

A busy mind, usually dances with Insomnia. My hand combed through Roosters hair, his head rested in my chest. His arms wrapped around me in a comforting tightness, I had questions and I wanted answers. Looking over to my desk, my eyes locked onto the letter from Iceman. Knowing he could answer some of my questions, I felt Rooster in my grip begin to stir. Kissing the top of his head, he let out a deep growl. Looking up at me, I smiled as he opened his eyes.

"Morning." He smiled.

"Good morning." I replied, he instantly frowned. Noticing my tired state. "How'd you sleep? Don't lie to me." He rested up on his hands, he crawled up so he would be directly under me.

"I didn't really sleep." I confessed, his narrowed stare turned soft. He was worried about what was going on inside my head.

"You don't have to worry about us, you know that right?" He asked as he came down, his body on top of mine.

"I know, the thought just dances at the back of my mind. After everything-." He cut me off with pressing his lips against mine, rolling over for me to be on top of him. We let out a little giggle as I pulled back to look at him.

"That's one way to shut me up."

"You know I love you so much, right?" He quizzed.

"As you have told me, every single day for the past 3 and a half years." I scrunched my nose, he smiled as he pulled my hair back behind my ear.

"You know I am going to marry you, one day."


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"Good." I pecked his lips.

"What do you want to do for the couple of hours before we have another flight drill?" He evilly smirked.

"Funny, I would love to lay here with you and have some fun. But, I think I need to go and see Iceman." I explained, his warm skin against mine gave me goosebumps.

"That's a good idea, I reckon he'll be happy to answer some of your questions. Do you know where to find him?" He reached for the letter on my desk, grabbing it. He looked on it for a phone number. "No number, there is just his home address. What? You just going to rock up to his house?" He raised an eyebrow, snatching the letter off of him.

"Yep!" I answered as I got to my feet, looking down at Roosters oversized shirt on me. I looked around for some pants.

"What? You're going to rock up, to the Admirals house. Dressed in my shirt and baggy pants?" He laughed at me.

"Yeah, I should find something more professional." I said as I scratched my head. "Come on, fashion icon. What should I wear?" I looked at him as I placed my hands on my hips.  He smiled as he pointed to my draws.

"Wear the jeans I bought for you, a white shirt and your leather jacket." He suggested. "Did you want me to come with you?" He double checked.

"This is something I need to do on my own, I think. I heard he's apparently unwell, so I don't want to overwhelm the man. He's put a lot of effort in for me, he dug up my original birth certificate and wrote me a letter and done a whole background check on me." I gathered my outfit as Rooster sat up on the bed, he reached out to me with a hand. Taking it, he pulled me in as I straddled him.

"Whatever, happens. We will figure this out, together. Do you remember what my mum said to me, before she died?" I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Your mum said that I was a gift, from your dad. Before you know, I am just so amazing." I joked as I flipped my hair over my shoulder, he and I laughed. He scrunched his face up as he leant in towards me.

"You're an idiot. Come on." He patted my thighs. "Let's get organised."

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