Moments Before Hitting The Skies.

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"Your target is a clear and present threat. A secret uranium enrichment site under rouge state control. It's an underground bunker, tucked between these two mountains. Your route of ingress is heavily defended by surface to air missiles backed up by fifth generation fighters. Once your f-18 strike team crosses the border, tomahawk missiles from the USS Leyte Gulf will launch a synchronised strike on the enemy's airfield here. This will knock out their runway. But you'll have to contend with any planes already in the air. The moment those tomahawks hit, the enemy will know you're coming. Your time to target will be 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Any longer then that, and you will be exposed to any aircraft the tomahawks may have missed." Admiral Bates speeched to us, looking to the corner of the room. I spotted Maverick eyeing me off, he looked concerned. I knew he had faith in me leading the team, this was a look of a worried and scared father.

"This is what you've all been training for, come home safely." Admiral Beau dismissed us all, I started to make my way to my aircraft. Millions of thoughts running through my head, I rushed to clear it. Looking up, I stopped in my tracks as the suns glare hid behind Hangman. Expecting him to make a sly comment, he looked at me proud and impressed.

"You give 'em hell!" He exclaimed at me to be able to hear him over the sound of the engines starting up, I smiled at him. Watching him walk away, I sighed heavily. Feeling my body pick up a sweat from the heat in the heavy uniform, I continued to my aircraft. Taking a moment to settle myself, I spoke quietly to her.

"Alright girl, you and I have only recently met each other. But we have a job to do."

"Falcon! Falcon!" I jumped in fright, hearing Rooster come up behind me. I spun around to face him, giving him a smile.

"Hey roost." I watched rooster take a heavy gulp, he was anxious.

"I just want to say-." He begun, being cut off by the loud speaker. All of us being ordered to get into our aircrafts, we both slowly looked back at one another. I watched Rooster gain realisation, his facial expression changed once again.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. I'll see you when we get back, we have a wedding to organise remember?" I smiled gently at him, he gave me a little nod. He pulled me into a tight hug, I felt his heart beat relax against his chest. Placing our foreheads against one another, rooster placed a gentle kiss.

Rooster slowly leaving my grip, he turned around and started to head for his aircraft

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Rooster slowly leaving my grip, he turned around and started to head for his aircraft. "H-hey Bradley!" I called out to him, making him stop in his tracks. He spun around to face me. "You've got this, I love you so much."

"I love you more!" He called back, watching him salute his helper. I climbed into my aircraft, sitting in silence as I mentally prepared myself.

"Falcon! Falcon!" Maverick yelled at me, looking at him. He asked. "You listening?"

"Yeah... yeah.." I nodded.

"I don't like that look Aria." He shook his head at me.

"It's the only look I've got." I huffed a small laugh, making Maverick smile. "I get it from my dad." Maverick smile grew, he grabbed ahold of my helmet and brought me closer to him, placing a kiss on the side of my helmet. "Thanks Mav, thank you for fighting for me. If I don't see you again, I'm glad I got to meet my birth father." Mav could only press his lips together, he knew this was a standard goodbye. Just in case things go south.

"It's been an honour, Aria. You're the greatest gift I could ask for." He placed his hand on the top of my helmet, staring me dead in the eyes. "I am so incredibly proud of you." My eyes filling up with tears, Mav wiped them away as he begun to climb down. I started the engine as the canopy latched down, I radioed in.

"Dagger 1, up and ready on catapult 1."

"Dagger spare, standing by." Hangman radioed in.

"Dagger 4, up and ready." Payback.

"Dagger 3, up and ready." Phoenix.

"Dagger 2, up and ready." Rooster.

"Support assets airborne, strike package ready. Standing by for launch decision." I got radioed back.

"Send them." I heard Admiral Beau command, opening my engines. I signalled to the people on deck that I was ready to be released, I got launched forward with my team not far behind me. Taking a breath, I settled into my seat with ease. I looked over my shoulder, I smiled to myself seeing Rooster. It was now or never.

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