Time is Your Greatest Enemy.

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"Time is your greatest enemy." Mav begun his speech. As our mission has been moved closer, as the enemy we are up against have been quick with their plans. " Phase 1 of the mission, will be a low level ingress attacking in two plane teams." Diagrams popped up on the screen that Maverick was facing, showing the layout of the mission. "You'll fly along this narrow canyon to your target. Radar guided surface to air mussels defend the area, theses Sams are lethal. But they were designed to protect the sky's above, not the canyon below."

"Because, the enemy knows no one is insane enough to try and fly below them." Rooster spoke up, making Mav turn around to face him and me sitting beside him.

"That's exactly, what I am going to train you to do." Maverick replied to Rooster, Roost glanced over to me with a raised eyebrow. All I could do was gently slap his chest undisclosed. "On the day, your altitude will be 100 feet. Maximum. You exceed this altitude, radar will spot you." Mav turned back to the screen, it showing us the missiles hitting our aircrafts in figure motion. "And you're dead. Your airspeed will be 660 knots, minimum. Time to target, 2 and a half minutes." My eyes widened at the scale figure of the 5th generation fighter jets. "That's because, 5th generation fighters wait at an air base nearby. "And a head to head with these planes and your F-18s... you're dead." A knot formed in my stomach, it was like a slushy feeling. Placing a hand on Roosters leg, he leant in and whispered to me. As I felt my head sway.

"You ok?" He asked, concerned. All I could do was nod, taking in a deep breath. I forced my attention back on Maverick.

"That's why you need to get in, hit your target and be gone before these planes even have a chance with catching you." Mavericks eyes landed on me, the concerned fatherly look. "This is why, it makes Time your greatest adversary. You'll fly around in a Nav that simulates the canyon, the faster you navigate this canyon, the harder it will be to stay under the radar of these enemy Sams. The tighter the turns, the more intensely the force of gravity on your body multiples. Compressing your lungs, forcing the blood from your brain; impairing your judgement and reaction time. So for todays lesson, we are going to take it easy on you. Max ceiling 300 feet, time to target 3 minutes. Good luck."

Going off into pairs through the Navs course, Phoenix and Bob, went with Coyote. Hangman went with Payback and Fanboy, then Rooster and I will go up in a pair. Hangman and the boys coming back in from their failed course, we re watched it all play out of the screen. We watched payback and fanboy crash into the diagram wall as Hangman flew off, Mav turned to the group.

"What happened?" Maverick questioned Hangman.

"Well, I flew as fast as I could. Kinda like my ass depended on it." Hangman replied, making me roll my eyes.

"Anddddd you put your team in danger, your wingman is dead." I leant forward to eye off Hangman, Hangman let out a little huff.

"They couldn't keep up, pretty face." He winked at me.

"Knock it off." Rooster warned him.

"Hey! Rooster and Falcon, you are up." Maverick gave us a nod, getting to our feet. We headed for our aircrafts, heading up into the sky. I let out a heavy sigh feeling the warm Sam Diego sun on my face, making me feel better. Weaving through the Navs course, I called out to Rooster as I sat behind him.

"Rooster! We are 20 seconds behind to dropping!"

"Falcon, we're fine. Speed good." He replied.

"Increasing to 500 knots." I said annoyed on how slow he was going.

"Negative Baby! Hold your speed!" He ordered.

"Roost! We're late!" I yelled at him.

"We're alive! We'll make time in the straightaway!" He tried to reassure me.

"Bradley, we are not going to make it!" I exclaimed.

"Just trust me, maintain your speed!" He ordered again, as I took position of wingman. "We can make it!"  We followed the course to the dropping location, time. A minute late.

"Why are you dead?" Maverick asked Rooster. "You're team leader up there, why are you, why is your fiancé, why is your team dead?"

"Sir." Phoenix spoke up for Rooster and I, all I could do was glare at my dad. "They were the only ones that made it to the target."

"A minute late. He gave enemy aircraft to shoot him and his wingman down, he is dead. He should've taken his wingman's advice." I sighed heavily at Mavericks comment.

"You don't know that." Roost spat.

"You're not flying fast enough!" Hangman rose his voice and looked back at Rooster and I. "You don't have a second to waste."

"We made it to the target." Rooster looked back at Mav, I felt my chest tighten. Feeling Roosters anger creeping up, I sat on edge. Waiting for him to pounce.

"And superior enemy aircraft, intercepted you on your way out." Maverick replied harshly.

"Then it's a dog fight." Roost tensed his jaw.

"Against 5th generation fighters?" Maverick raised his eyebrows at Rooster, Phoenix reached her hand back to me and pinched my knee to see if I was ok. I rubbed my thumb against her hand for a brief moment before she took her hand back.

"Yeah, we'd still have a chance." Rooster said cockily.

"In a F-18!?" Maverick yelled, making my skin feel uncomfortable from the tension.

"It's not the plane sir, it's the pilot." Rooster kept himself together.

"Exactly!" Maverick spat, making my protective instincts for Roost kick in.

"Wow, you really don't get it." Hangman spoke up again.

"Hangman." I sternly looked at him, knowing he was about to stir the pot even more.

"On this mission, a man flies like Maverick here or a man does not come back. We're going into combat, son. On a level, no living pilot has seen." Hangman looked to Mav. "Not even him." Hangman readjusted his seat, looking between Roost and I and Mav. "I can't be the only one that knows that Maverick flew with Roosters old man."

"That's enough." Maverick ordered, Hangman ignored. Roosters hands became fists.

"Or that Maverick was flying when his old man-." In a quick span of a couple of seconds, Maverick ordered to Hangman that's enough. Rooster rushed to his feet as well as Hangman, everyone and I grabbed ahold of the boys. Standing between them, as Mav let go of Roosters sleeve for me to come closer to Roost.

"Oh darling, you're missing out." Hangman said to me, causing Rooster to try and lash out again. I pushed my back against Rooster.

"Lieutenants! That's enough!" Maverick yelled.

"I'm cool, I'm cool." Hangman laughed it off, getting out of Fanboy and Paybacks grip. "Rooster, you're not made out for this mission. You're engaged to someone who is to good for you." He walked off, staring down rooster. I glanced at my dad standing behind me.

"You're all dismissed, Lieutenant Blackwood. Take care of Lieutenant Bradshaw." Maverick instructed, everyone letting Rooster go. I shoved Rooster along who muttered angry comments to himself. I sighed heavily, as I lead Rooster to a walking path.

"Come on, let's go." A took ahold of his hand, dragging him along.

"Fine." He mumbled like an angry toddler, feeling his presence relax. We stood at the top of the hill, sitting there as we looked over the aircrafts. Sitting in Roosters lap, he wrapped his arms around me tight. Like someone was going to take me away from him, I rubbed my hand on his on my waist. Watching the sun begin to settle, Rooster placed a kiss on the side of my head.

"I love you."

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