A Reaper and her lady

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Ruby looked across the prison's visiting area at her soulmate, Salem. She vividly remembers the day she found out that Salem was her soulmate. They'd been in the heat battle when happened. Her team gotten a slash across Salem and the exact same one appeared on Ruby. They had retreated after that to come up with a new plan because if they continued with killing Salem they would end up killing Ruby too.

They eventually managed to get permanent cuffs on her that bloke all use of aura and semblance. They put Salem in prison and for the rest of them that was that. However Ruby couldn't resist the call of her soulmate. Every day she wasn't on a mission she was with Salem at the prison. At first Salem had been wary of her but eventually she learned to love her sessions with the young red head.

Realizing she'd just spent 5 minutes of her time starring at Salem instead of talking she picked up the on wall next to her Salem did the same on her side. "Hello, my little reaper.", Salem's voice said through the line. "Hiya, milady.", Ruby said in turn.

The two began talking about what they'd done recently that was fun, foods they had eaten, and what Ruby had brought Salem from her most recent trip. This time Ruby had brought her back some candy from Menagerie and squid faunus plush. Salem gushed at the sight of it. "Oh, thank you reaper. I love it. Where did you get it?", she said. Ruby beamed and began to tell her about recent job in Menagerie.

Before she got to the end of her tale though it was time for Ruby to go. "Good-bye, my lady. I'll see you tomorrow.", she said and hung up. 

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