Four questions

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Ruby instantly knew when she meet her soulmate cause her world burst into color. Her soulmate Atlassian soldier and huntress named Harriet. Ruby practically bounced up to the woman in excitement. "Hi. I'm Ruby Rose.", she introduced herself to Harriet. "I know who you are. I'm Atlassian special operative. It's my job to know.", the woman said in response and look down her nose at Ruby.

"Well. I am your soulmate. How about getting to know each other little? What's your favorite color? Mines...", Ruby was saying but interrupted. "Red. Already know that too. Listen princess there is nothing you can tell about yourself I don't already know. I probably know you better then you know yourself. Your going to have to better then what's your favorite color to get to know me.", Harriet told Ruby and then walked away.

Ruby followed Harriet around for the next 2 weeks trying to gain her trust and get to know her to no avail. Harriet just kept rejecting Ruby no matter what she did. She even refused cookies Ruby made herself. Then Harriet got attacked by 3 nevermores and a large pack of beowolves and almost died because she was all alone until Ruby appeared and help to defeat them.

"Uhm. Thanks Princess. You did good. I think you've earned the answer to a few questions.", Harriet said and Ruby whopped in joy. Then Ruby pulled out a long list causing Harriet eyes to bulge. "You get four questions.", Harriet then said.

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